A Malec Love Story❤️

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When Alec woke up the next morning it took him a few minutes to remember he was round Magnus'. He rolled over and saw Magnus peacefully sleeping next to him. Alec quietly got up and got changed into his gear, his phone started to ring, it was Jace, he answered.

"What is it Jace?" Alec whispered.

"Get back to the institute straight away, we have a mission, a big one!" Jace told Alec before hanging up. Alec started to write Magnus a note, which read: SORRY TO LEAVE WITHOUT LETTING YOU KNOW VERBALLY SO IM WRITING THIS AS I DIDNT WANT TO WAKE YOU AS YOU WERE SO PEACEFULLY ASLEEP, IVE GOTTA GET BACK TO THE INSTITUTE AS THERES A BIG MISSION, CALL ME LATER


Alec walked over to sleeping Magnus and gave him a soft kiss before getting the rest of his stuff, casting one last glance around Magnus' apartment and the closing the door behind him.

Magnus woke up happily and stretched his arms out to find the space next to him empty. He climbed out of bed and went into the living room where stuck to a table he found a note from Alec. Magnus couldn't help but smile at the XO's after Alec's name but he was also overcome by a great sense if worry for Alec, a worry he hadn't felt in many years. Magnus checked the time, it was 12:03, too early to call Alec he'd probably still be on his mission. Magnus decided to watch Americas Next Top Model to try and pass the time.

"...And that's basically the mission." Jace stopped explaining, Alec hadn't been listening as he'd been too busy thinking about Magnus.

"Sorry can you explain it again?' Alec asked politely, Jace sighed but re-explained the mission and this time Alec listened intensively. Alec, Jace, Isabelle, Clary and even Simon set off on their mission, there had been high traces of demonic activity in a block of flats by Central Park so they had to go and investigate. They walked up to the top floor where the traces seemed to biggest and Jace pushed open the door slowly. Standing over a dead shadowhunter body in the corner of the room was Azazel.

"More Nephilim, I shall feast on you." Azazel exclaimed.

"Go to hell!" Simon shouted. Azazel chuckled a loud evil dry chuckle.

"Ahh your words mean nothing to me, I'm live in hell so there's no point in trying to scare me with those words." He said boredly. Alec pulled his seraph blade from his belt.

"Raphael!" he spoke to it, it blazed up and Alec ran at Azazel but Azazel grabbed him and threw him against the wall, before Alec fell unconscious his last thoughts were of Magnus.

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