Chapter 9 - Agreement

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At the agreed time, Cake, Luy and Nero crossed the gate to the fifth sector and ran down the hallways and misdirecting corridors to the windows down at the six sector.

The facility was supposed to be hard to break out of but, due to their enormous egos, the plan of the facility was 'accidently' shared among the several nobodies. It was nobodies fault that some took pictures...

Cake watched as Nell, throught a monitor they managed to create from various objects they managed to scrap around the several trips they made to the outside.

-" Is everything going as plan? "- Cake asked.

-" Yes. Father is in his office. The Scientist is where he always is, inside his lab, the Inspector is looking at some papers but i can't see much else. The Boss, however, is lurking around the third sector. He looks like he's ready to pop! "- Nell said to Cake.

-" Ready to pop? What's that about? "- Cake asked, worried.

-" Someone got away last night. Number 5-06. Class 04-3 and there are other four members. He is still missing and the higher up's are concerned about his minimum and what it might do. "- Nell answered -" Boss is not happy, at all. Be extra careful, you hear me?! "- Nell said.

-" Roger that. We'll be back soon. Keep me posted, 'kay? "- Cake spoke to Nell.

-" 'Kay. "- Nell responded.

Cake then gave the signal to procede the plan. Nero walked past him and ran the fastest he could to the other side of the sector.

No one was there to notice since, of course, the sector 2, 5, 7 and 13 were mostly empty rooms and dusty storage units. 

After Nero got to the other side he quickly reached the window they needed to get out and tried to unlock it. But it didn't budge.

-" Cake, something's wrong! "- Nero called out.

Cake wasted no time in walking up to Nero and checking the window for himself. Nero was right, someone had tempered with it.

-" A trap? "- Luy asked, reading Nero's worried face.

-" No. Someone didn't want to be followed so he or she blocked it's trail. That copy probably thought the guards would go after him through the window. "- Cake answered, angry.

-" Idiot! What about the ones left behind in the facility? "- Nero asked, outraged.

-" If you live here long enought to start to wonder about your existance at all, well... Let's say that the others well being doesn't really spike you any interest at all. "- Cake told Nero -" Now help me here."

While Cake was seeing if anything could be done to open the window, Nero kept talking to Nell to be sure nothing happened that might put them all to real danger.

Luy, on the other hand was wondering about what awaited them outside. 

Some angry originals, guards armed to the teeth, an ambush by some lunatics that hate minimum holders... The possibilities were almost endless. So he was worried...

-" Hey, Luy! Come here for a 'sec. "- Cake called Luy.

-" What is it? "- Luy asked, walking up to Cake's side.

-" Could you try a 'little' brute force on the window without shattering it? "- Cake asked.

-" Yeah... I might. "- Luy said.

-" Might of... Thanks... "- Cake spoke, hesitant.

During that, Luy channeled all his energy onto his hands and managed to move the window of it's support. Leaving an empty hole on the wall, where it had previously been the window.

-" Amazing! Job well done Luy! "- Cake congratulated Luy -" I'll be sure to tell that to Timber."

Luy didn't say a word but smiled . We was strong but at the same time he was actually afraid of what that power might do. He didn't want to repeat the 'incident' from years ago.

-" C'mon, we've got to hurry up. "- Nero said to Luy -" That hole is going to get really flashy after they pass through here."

-" Yeah, you're right. "- Luy agreed with Nero. 

So they left the facility. Doing the same travel that Cake had done with Timber two nights ago. Following his memory, Cake managed to find his way to the Nowhere cafe. Opening the door, he was greeted with the same scenery he had saw the other day.

Nice, Murasaki, Birthday, Ratio, Hajime, Honey, Three and the two workers of the cafe.

At first nothing was out of the ordinary but that all changed when:

- Nice saw Nero;

- Hajime recognized Luy;

That was all it took to the peaceful cafe turn into a circus arena.

-" Why the hell did you bring that guy here?! He tried to kill me! "- Nice shouted -" And you guys say he's dangerous and your enemy!"

-" Yeah, we did! But this guy isn't Lance. "- Cake told Nice.

-" What? "- Nice asked, confused.

-" Remember what Timber told you? Lance isn't Art. He's Art's nobody."- Cake told him -" Nero is Art's younger brother's copy."

-" So he's... "- Nice tried to say.

-" Yeah. Nero is Skill's nobody. And he isn't trying to kill you. On the contrary he's trying to help us. "- Cake told Nice.

Nero didn't say a word and nodded a greeting at Nice. 

On the other hand, Hajime wasn't really happy about seeing Luy and looked scared. Luy, however, looked terrified.

-" Just apologize, already! "- Cake said to Luy -" She isn't going to bite you!"

But Luy wasn't sure. The memories of what happened that day were heavy on Luy's heart.

-" I'm... I'm sorry... "- Luy began -" I... I didn't wanted to scare you that day. It's all... It's all my fault. "- he continued."

-" You're that kid... From facultas... "- Hajime remembered -" You look just like me..."

-" He is your copy... "- Cake told her.

-" Putting that behind us... We really need your help. "- Nero said to the originals.

-" Our help? "- Murasaki asked -" What for?"

-" Timber got taken by Father and we don't know what he might do in the near future, so we are kinda off trying to run away from there. "- Cake said -" But for us to free her and take the rest of our group out of there we need help."

-" Why should we help you? "- Musaraki asked.

-" If you helps us, you help ruin of of Facultas big plans that and i guess we could do an agreement. "-Cake told them.

-" An agreement? "- Nice asked -" What's that about?"

-" We're seven in total. Me, Timber, Nell, Nero, Aqua, Mo and Luy. "- Cake counted -" You get to chose whatever you want to know seven times. "

-" What would we want to know from you? "- Nice asked.

-" You once asked Timber about her origins. "- Cake told him -" And we can help you get stronger."

-" Much stronger. "- Nero corrected Cake.

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