Chapter 11 - Darkness

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-" Timber is Blind? "- Everyone asked, shocked.

-" Yes. "- Cake bitterly said.

-" How? "- Nice asked -" I thought Facultas wasted no time on the weak."

-" Timber's not weak. Not in the least. "- Nero answered -" Timber became blind after the outburst of energy she had when her minimum awoken."

-" So she wasn't always blind? "- Ratio asked.

-" No, she was able to see before, when she was like seven or ten. "- Cake answered.

-" Hey, Cake. "- a voice sounded from Cake's pocket.

Hurrying to grab something, Cake removed from his pocket a walkie-talkie, or what seemed like one.

-" What is it Nell? "- Cake asked.

-" Boss has learned about the window but it looks like your escape hasn't been noted yet. "- Nell told them.

-" How hasn't he figured it out it was us? "- Luy asked.

-" Mo. He's got our backs covered. "- Cake answered.

-" What about the nobody that ran away? "- Nero asked -" Has he been found?"

-" No. Boss is furious. But it would seem the Scientist has something he knows about it. "- Nell told him, her voice sweeter than usual.

-" 'Kay, thanks. "- Nero said.

-" For you, no problem. "- Nell said, probably flustering to the bone.

-" We have to hurry. "- Luy told Cake and Nero -" We haven't been found 'till now, let's not push our luck."

-" He's right. "- Cake agreeded.

-" So how do we help you? "- Murasaki asked.

-" Tomorrow at three o'clock, by the road leading up to Facultas. "- Nero answered -" We'll take you to the Facility where we're kept."

-" We'll leave the line of comunication opened, so you can know what's going on. "- Cake said, handing over to Nice the walkie-talkie.

Before leaving, the nobodies told a last goodbye. The air was cold but none of them complained the whole way over to the facility. Their minds to filled with thoughts and feelings other than their own.

Meanwhile, inside a room deep in the facility.

The walls were grey and there wasn't a lot inside, only the essencial. A bed, a bathroom, a desk and some books.

Athought there wasn't much light, Timber didn't mind. She could still read whatever she wanted. Thought the pictures, paintings and colours seemed to frustrate her. She could remember them but she no longer could see them.

She remembered what the sky looked like but she couldn't draw it anymore.
Was this what she would become the rest of her life? A blind creature locked in the deepest cells in the facility?

Then inside of her rang a voice...

-' Haven't you given up hope by now? '- It said.

-' You know they're better off without you. '- It mocked.

-' Isn't it just sad? That everyone will soon forget you? '- It continued.

Timber just lied down in the bed and turned to the side. She tried to fall asleep but she knew... The Voice would keep pestering her more and more until she would end up agreeing with it.

-' Hey, 9-19. How does it feel like nobody loves you? '- It asked, faking a friendly tone.

-' Can you still live knowing they will hate you? '- It asked.

His words were starting to hurt but Timber just fought back the urge to yell at him.

-' Maybe Father will be quick to finish them off while you're not around. '- It said joyfully.

-" Just... stop. "- Timber murmured, her heart heavy.

-' Oh, so you were listening! '- It said.

-" I always am... "- Timber told the voice -" You never keep quiet when we're here."

-' Well that's because i hate it here. '- It told her.

-" Why's that? "- Timber asked -" I don't mind it at all, i've been her for years after all..."

-' But i've been here longer than you did. '- It said.

-" Who are you? "- Timber asked -" How have you been here before?"

Silence fell into the room.

It was always like that. As soon as Timber asked who the voice was it fell back and wouldn't make a noise until a few hours had passed.
Today was no different. Or was it tonight?
In the darkness, day and night were the same. The was no sun and there was no moon, only the cold dim light coming from a bedside lamp, Timber used to use.

-" Not anymore... "- She tought to herself -" I don't need it anymore."

-' You know Death comes to all, right? '- The voice broke the silence.

-" Yes, i do know that. "- Timber told it -" Why do you ask?"

-' You could call me that...'- It said.

-" You want to be called Death? "- Timber asked.

-' It's what they always called me... Does it not make that my name? '- It asked.

-" No. Your name is something someone dear names you. "- Timber told him.

-' So how did you get your name? '- It asked.

-" Tear named me. "- Timber told him -" He was always singing Timber, Timber we're falling down..."

-' Why such song? '- It asked.

-" I don't know. "- Timber said -" But i didn't mind either."

-' Why not? '- It asked.

-" Because it was a name of my own. A sign i existed. "- Timber told him.

-' A name is a sign you exist? '- It asked her.

-" Yes. "- Timber answered him -" That's why Death isn't a very good name."

-' Then name me. '- It told her.

-" Name you? "- Timber asked surprised.

-' Yes. '- It said.

-" Why me? "- Timber asked -" Don't you hate me? "

-' Why would i? '- It asked, taken aback -' You're a dear person to me.'

-" Why? "- Timber asked -" What have i ever do to you to deserve such gratitude?"

-' You'll know one day. '- It said -' But for now let's say i owe you one.'

-" Okay... "- Timber said.

-' Then name me already... '- It told her.

-" How about Ash? "- the words came suddenly from Timber's mouth.

-' Ash, huh? -' It said.

-" Don't you like it? "- Timber asked him.

-' I do. '- Ash told her.

-" Why do i seem to know that name? "- Timber asked.

-' Maybe because you had already given it to me. '- Ash finally said.

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