Chapter 8 - A Helping Hand

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After breakfast came the training lessons. Unlike Facultas the facility care nothing about the copies and often treated them lower than lab rats and no one did nothing about it.

-' Well that will soon be changed. '- Cake thought.

The copies had various trainings. Combat, the exercising of their special abilities and even normal lessons.

And, unlike all the rest of the days, Cake ,as a punishment, had to do twice the work. Meaning he was exausted when the day finally ended.

-" Okay. The guards shift at eight pm and again at eleven pm. Be sure to come back between that time period. The cameras are pointed at the main and back door, followed by three guards on each. "- Aqua informed the crew -" So you'll have to get out through the first floor window if you want to get out. "

-" Thanks. Anything dangerous on sector six? "- Cake asked Aqua.

-" No, just the usual. Three guards on the first two blocked doors then there's no one else keeping an eyes on things. "- Aqua responded.

-" We're basically dangerous but the level of security is even lower than a grade school. The guards are under the basic physical state to even chase after us if we get caught. "- Nero said, disapointed.

-" Yeah, but that's something good for us. So don't jinx it! "- Cake joked -" Nell were going to need the updated movements of the guards, Father and the big three. Can you manage that? "- he asked.

-" Sure. But you'll have to give me time to refresh. "- Nell answered -" More importantly, who exactly will you be taking. "

-" I'll go along with Luy and Nero. "- Cake answered -" Nero's coming because we need a shield. "- Cake said grining.

-" The hell you will! He can still die, you know that Cake! "- Nell yelled at Cake, outraged.

-" Yeah, yeah. As long as his head's in place, right? "- Cake asked, turning to Nero.

Nero was the same height as Cake, although Cake was older, and he looked him right in the eyes. The Nero smiled and joked.

-" Yeah. That and i can't take a stab to the heart. But i'll be fine after a good nights rest. "- he said.

-" Ahaha! That is one of the only reasons i keep up with you! "- Cake laughed -" You can be sarcastic, funny and keep up with me."

-" Not that it's an easy task to do... "- Mo whispered to Luy.

Cake overheard that and shot Mo an unpleasant glare but the damage had already been done and the two boys snicker to themselves and grinned with mischivious smiles.

-" Okay... Returning to the plan. It's almost 7:30 pm so we have to hurry up and gather everything we need. "- Cake said to the crew -" Everyone at his or hers positions. The ones that'll come with me, be at the door of the fith sector at 7:55 pm. Those who miss that time will not come along. "- Cake ordered.

That being said, the crew dispearsed and went their separated ways. Aqua returned to her 'office' and continued to check the safety of the mission and any alterations on the guards and security schedul.

Nell went to her chamber and conected her minimum to the information net belonging to the Facility. Her minimum allowed her to get small glimpses of the future and with the practise she had, she could see the future with a window of two hours.

Mo ran to the lounge area and gathered up some 'actors' to play the parts of the 'missing' elements for that plan. Mo seemed pretty weak but his minimum allowed him to be a mini 'hulk'.

Although he was way weaker than Luy. That guy was like dynamite... One wrong move or a pretty strong emotion and he'd 'blow up'.

Cake went to his chamber and grabbed a backpack and some files he managed to get his hands on and looked up to the clock. 7:40 pm. He needed to hurry.

Nero went to his room and took out from a box two pictures. One showed three boys. A small brown haired with icy blue eyes and two twins looking boys. Both with white hair and purple eyes, though on was younger and shorter.

On the other it showed the members of Class 91-0 (nine one - oh). Timber, Cake, Nell, Aqua, Mo, Luy, Nero, Lance, Quinn, Fish, 8-56, 6-89, Tear, War and Lull

Everyone there was still young, ages ranging from four years old to nine years old.

-' Quinn, Fish, 8-56, 6-89, Tear, War and Lull... Seven. "- Nero thought -" When did we start to lose so many? '

Nero got himself together and hurried up to the meeting spot.

Luy, however, took his time. He was scared to the core of his existence to meet 'her' again. What would happen if she saw his face again?

He checked the time. 7:48 pm. Seven more minutes...

-' I gotta hurry. '- he thought. But his legs didn't move and his chest hurted like crazy.

-" You need help? "- a voice sounded from behind him.

Frightned, Luy looked behind him and found Amber

Amber was still a junior nobody, having still to learn how to control her minimum and to focus on how to improve it. 'Cuz after all, she was still six years old.

She had short red curly hair that would reach her shoulders and she also had a headband with a small star. Her eyes were hazel and, for as long as Luy could remember, were always jolly. Amber smiled at Luy and pointed at his empty bag.

-" You need help, right? "- Amber asked.

-" Yeah... I suck at packing. "- Luy admited.

-" Ahaha. You're like me! "- Amber said to him, hopping onto the bed and helping Luy out.

-" Hey, Amber... Why did you come here? Your chamber is two sectors before this one. "- Luy asked curious.

-" Easy. I stopped by the protected block after dinner for some voluntary work and i heard a voice calling me. "- Amber told Luy.

-" A voice? From who? "- Luy asked.

-" I dunno. A girl. She said, if i had time, to go check on her friends. "- Amber said -" She told me her friends were helpless without here and that she was worried. "- Amber continued.

-" That so... "- Luy said to Amber, identifying Timber's words.

-" Yeah. She said to me to give them a helping hand. You guys will need it. "- Amber responded with a happy smile.

-" Yeah. And guess what? "- Luy said to her.

-" What? "- Amber asked.

-" She was right. "- Luy said, kneeling to Ambers level -" Thanks. "- he said gently kissing her forehead.

-" No problem, big-bro. "- Amber giggled.

After saying goodbye to Amber, Luy walked to the meeting spot. When he got there it was 7:53 pm...

-" Let's go. Our plan starts here. If you want to quit, do it now. There's no turning back. "- Cake said, with a serious expression.

But no one backed down. This was they're moment to help everyone else have a better life. This was certainly they're destiny.

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