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After winning the battle against Professor Moral, Nice stands in front of him.

-" Was it really worth, trying to 'save' me? "- Nice asks.

-" Don't worry, i only have to step up another level on this ability. Then i'll show you equality. "- Professor Moral says, beaten black and blue.

The tall man with long with hair and pinkish eyes looked at the strongest minimum holder, Nice. That boy's minimum holder was so strong, even his existence was classified. He wanted to be his 'equal' to show him defeat. To show him pain and sorrow, but even then... the boy managed to destroy him.

Nice hated how people thought of power, so when he soon realized the facultas plans for him, he dropped out. Disappeared from the records and started a decent living as a private investigator, along with his friends. They were the Hamatora.

The brown haired boy looked at Moral, the boy's blue crystal eyes were sharp. He was angry. That man had just tried to kill his best friend, and sucedeed in killing one, no two of his friends. He wanted to cause him the same pain, but he knew... it would be in vain.

So Nice turned to walk out of the boat, they were in. Professor Moral's plan was going to be destroyed, the revolution outside would be solved after a few days. Everything would be back to normal.

But then, a noise made Nice turn to face Moral again. He was trying to stand up, trying to continue to fight. But he couldn't... the strain of holding two minimum abilities was to great for a person to survive. Moral started to vomit blood, he was trying oh-so hard to continue. Nice couldn't watch.

Then behind him a voice sounded. 

-" A single human possessing two Minimum abilities. The body couldn't possibly withstand that excess. "

Nice gasped. 

-" Art! "- the boy said, astonished.

The voice came from Nice's friend, the young inspector. Art had short with hair, cut in a bob hairstyle. He wore the same suit and tie, he always did. Nothing out of the ordinary.

If it was in a normal situation, Nice would have probrably made a joke about his timing, but... that friend Art. Was killed weeks prior by Moral, one of the reasons Nice fought him in the first place.

-" Are you the one to greet me at the door of death? "- Moral asked -" What a cruel fate. "

But Art didn't say a word. He smiled at Nice and, without remorse, he shot Moral twice. In the torso, then in his head. This wasn't like him.

Nice, shocked, stood there.

-" Art... You... "- Nice spoke.

Again, Art smiled back at Nice.

-" It's been a while. "- he said.

-" I'm glad. You're alive. "- Nice said, relived, then he walked towards Moral's body -" But was it necessary to kill him? He couldn't fight anymore. I mean, is this really like you, Art? "

Then a gun was pointed at the back of Nice's head. Nice opened his eyes in shock, the only person behind him was Art. Or wasn't it really Art?

-" I'm sorry to be late. "- Art said.

The loud sound of the gunshot, echoed throughout the boat. 

-" I won't let you. "- a girl said behind Art. She had grabbed his arm before he could fire and manage to avoid hiting Nice.

She was wearing a dark hoodie that covered her hair and eyes. Her voice was calm but at the same time, hints of fear and pain were sensed by Nice.

The girl without delay, hit Art in the back of his neck. Knocking him out cold.

-" Get up! We have more or less of an hour to leave this boat and return to land. "- the girl said to Nice.

-" Who are you? "- Nice asked -" What did you do to Art? "

-" Does it really matter? And i will warn you right now. That guy... "- she said, pointing at the unconsious body of Art -" ... ain't your friend. He's name is Lance. "

-" Wait. Who's Lance? Who the hell are you? And who did you get on this boat? "- Nice asked, at the limit of his pacience.

-" I'm a nobody, Lance is the person in the world who wants to kill you, and i rode a jet ski to get here. Happy? " - the girl answered him in a hurry -" Now get you up! Go get your friend and leave this boat now! "

Nice wanted to ask her more things so he obeyed her. He went to the second level of the boat and got his friend Murasaki and released Hibiki, a minimum holder held captive by Moral to complete his plan.

So the three people left the boat in a hurry. When they reached the mainland, the girl gave strict orders to Hibiki not to mention anyone on the boat, or she would give him a worse fate than death itself.

She then acompanied Nice and Murasaki back to cafe Nowhere, the Hamatora headquarters. She didn't say a word the whole time, looking behind them from time to time. Nice could sense she was afraid to get noticed but why?

When they finally reached the cafe, the answer became obvious. Removing the hoodie, the girl revealed her appearence. She was the living copy of Nice. The same hair colour, the same eyes. Only a differente gender with longer hair.

Everyone in the cafe was shocked. Hajime, Koneko, Ratio, Birthday, Honey, Master and Three looked between the girl and Nice but found no mistake. They were identical, really identical. But the problem was Nice had no siblings and his family was never found after a disaster. Who was she?

-" I'm only going to say this once. I do not possess a name of my own, but i'm often refered to as Timber. "- the girl said -" And you... are in big trouble. "- Timber said, pointing at Nice.

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