Chapter 4 - The Untold Truth

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-" Father... "- Timber repeated, her face lost of all it's colour. She didn't knew how she wasn't shaking in a corner. 

Fear swept over her and Cake. The three figures stared at them, while they each had grins in their faces. They were enjoying the fear in Timber and Cake's faces. They hated them, they would always cower in fear of them, but now the tables had turned.

It was now Timber and Cake that shaked in their presence. But that wasn't the entire truth...

Only Timber knew, the danger they were in, and it wasn't a small danger. From there on out, 'till they got sent back to their bedrooms, they were walking in really, really thin ice. Cake was also afraid, but for other reasons.

Cake, like all the rest of copies in the facility, knew you musn't mess around with the big four. Especialy Father. That one hated minimum holders to the core of his existence. The story is told that after an incident he got asked to become their leader.

And that incident was the thing causing Timber such fear, not for her... But her friends.

-" Guards, take 2-22 to the interrogation room 14. Make sure he doesn't forget to apologize for escaping. "- Father spoke, his voice harsh and cold.

-" For how long? "- the Scientist asked, his grin still seen in his face.

-" Oh, it's way past their bedtime. An hour at most, i don't want him tired for training tomorrow. "- Father answered, his voice still cold.

Then turning to Timber a smile appeared in his face. A freezing cold smile, that chilled Timber to the bone.

-" And we will discuss what happens to someone who tries to run away in my office, all right bumblebee? "- Father said, his voice even colder, while mencioning the last word.

-" Yes, Father. "- Timber's voice sounded so low it was hard to hear, her tone submissive. She didn't want anymore troubles.

Walking to Father's office, Timber said a last goodbye to Cake. She would see him tomorrow, she promise. 

-' I hope... '- she thought.

After they walked in, Father sat in his chair behing his desk. His office was dark, with only a small window covered with metal bars, in case some copy wanted to run away at the last minute. Both his chair and his desk were made of dark wood, small paintings decorated the walls.

-" Sit, 9-19. "- Father spoke, pointing at the chair in front of him.

She sat. Being disobedient only brought demise, especialy towards him.

-" Do you remember the talk we had two, three years ago? If you do, then why did you try to run away? "- Father asked, cold and playing with a pen over his desk. He didn't meet her eyes, didn't even look at her.

-" I do. But i wasn't trying to run away! I had to... "- Timber spoke, stopping when she remembered the rules about meeting the originals.

-" You had to...? "- Father continued.

-" I had to see the sky, catch a breeze of fresh air. "- Timber said, the honest her voice could perform.

-" And it had to be tonight? Why now? And why did you drag 2-22 with you? "- Father asked, still with the pen in his hands.

-" I just thought it was a good day, like any other. And i didn't drag Cake along. He just came to call me back. "- Timber answered.

-" Cake? You aren't little children anymore 9-19, so stop with the ridiculous nicknames. "- Father said, serious and sharp.

-" Yes, but we would rather have stupid names other than ridiculous numbers. "- the word came out of Timber's mouth.

Realizing what she had said, Timber sat straight in the chair. Father was now looking at her with his sharp and cold eyes. He wasn't happy about her coment and he didn't tolerate any infraction to the rules.

-" What did you say, 9-19? "- Father asked, sarcasticaly and dangerously loud.

-" Nothing, Father. "- Timber said, avoiding his eyes.

-" Do you remember the story about 9-27? Do you, 9-19? "- Father asked her, leaning back in his chair.

-" Yes, Father. I do. "- Timber answered, already knowing the ending of the story.

-" The tell me the story again. "- Father ordered.

-" Many years ago, a copy was created. The copy was named 9-27 and it was a boy. He was the copy of a very powerfull minimum holder and was kept separated from every other copy. Unlike the others he had an amazing potencial right from the begining. He kept developing until every one was fearfull of him. "- Timber told Father -" The copy didn't seem to mind at first, but he soon became tired of their constant sceams when spotting him around there. So he... he attacked the facility. "- Timber continued the story.

-" Go on. "- Father told her.

-" He attacked the facility right from the inside, releasing several copies that took out many, many workers. In the end the copy was killed by Father. "- Timber told Father.

-" And who did that copy killed in particular? "- Father asked, with his voice filled with hate. Freezing cold hate.

-" Your wife and son. "- Timber said, avoiding his intensive cold gaze.

-" Yes. He did. And that's why i can't turn a blind eye on actions like this. You will be forbidden to get near your so called 'friends' until the next month. And you will be doing extra exercises and voluntary work. Your missions will be called off and you should remain in the facility at all times, do you understand 9-19? "- Father spoke, cold and sharp, looking right at Timber with disgust.

-" Yes, Father. May i go now? "- Timber asked, submissive.

-" Do you understand why i call you bumblebee? "- Father asked her.

-" No, Father. "- Timber answered.

-" It's because you're exactly like one. Small yet dangerous. Causing fear in many yet the unknown truth is that, if you do sting... you die. "- Father spoke with a cold smile -" Repeat what i told you years ago. "

-" I could care less about the other rats you hang around. You are the one i want. If you do run away, even if you only try, i will kill them. The most painfull way you know. "- Timber said, looking down at her feet -" By the death of their original."

-" You may leave now. "- Father spoke, turning his back at Timber.

She walked out of the office and went to her bedroom. And as soon as her head fell in her pillow, large sorrowfull tears streamed from her eyes.

-" I'm sorry... I'm sorry Tear... "- Timber mumbled to herself, just like a lullabye.

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