― i. portkey

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Edelyn Aurélia Black jerked awake, the sound of her name pulling her out of peaceful slumber. Lashes fluttering, she looked up and was met with a pair of bright grey eyes. "Come on, Lynnie! Get up! Get up!" a sixteen-year-old boy urged, hands shaking her shoulders. 

Edelyn rubbed her face, mind dancing between sleep and wake. Then, with a sudden gasp, a beaming smile ignited and she jolted upright. "IT'S TODAY! TODAY! MERLIN'S BEARD, IT'S TODAY!" She squealed and leapt out of bed, arms flinging around the boy. He yelped and stumbled backwards, bringing them toppling to the floor with two loud thuds.

"Oops." Edelyn giggled and straightened herself back to her feet. "Sorry, Ced." She swept her ebony curls out of her face, revealing gunmetal blue eyes that glimmered gently under the dim candlelight that illuminated the bedroom.  

Cedric Diggory chuckled and ruffled her hair. "It's alright, Lynnie. Come on then, get dressed. Dad's waiting for us downstairs. Says we're leaving in five." 

When the door closed behind Cedric, Edelyn jumped up and down in elation before rushing to her wardrobe. Blue overalls — white t-shirt — Cedric's old black and brown cardigan that she loved to wear. The familiar scent of sandalwood lacing the threads wafted into her nose. She smiled and tied her shoulder-length curls into a ponytail, brushed her teeth, and grabbed her rucksack — it had been packed since the day Amos Diggory came home with the tickets. 

"Morning, dear," Mrs Diggory greeted as Edelyn sprung off the bottom step to the downstairs landing.

"Morning, Julie," Edelyn returned brightly, pecking her on the cheek before bounding toward the front door and slipping on a pair of trainers. Upon seeing the mug cupped in Cedric's hands, she tried to snatch it, but Cedric was faster and moved it out of her reach. 

"Pleeease," she pled, jutting her bottom lip out in a pout and sending him her best puppy eyes. 

"You're much too young, Lyn," Mr Diggory chimed, glancing down at his wristwatch.

Edelyn opened her mouth to say that thirteen was surely old enough to drink coffee, but closed it when Cedric leaned down and whispered, "I'll let you have a sip when he's not looking." 

He sent her a wink and she beamed up at him. 

"Ced, got the tent? Lyn, can you grab the food basket over there? We best be going now. We've got a fair walk ahead of us." Mr Diggory strode over to his wife and pressed a kiss to her lips. "We should be back tomorrow afternoon." 

Cedric slung a bag over his shoulder and plucked a geranium flower from one of the many pots lining the kitchen window sill. He tucked it into Edelyn's hair and passed her his coffee mug while Mr Diggory was busy studying a map. 

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