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"EXPELLIARMUS!" The spell came from all directions, and Ron and Edelyn could do nothing but watch in apprehension as their wands flew out their grasps, leaving them with the sickening feeling of defencelessness

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"EXPELLIARMUS!" The spell came from all directions, and Ron and Edelyn could do nothing but watch in apprehension as their wands flew out their grasps, leaving them with the sickening feeling of defencelessness. Edelyn's body seized, feet firmly planted to the snow-covered earth beneath and muscles stiffened like they were made of stone — heavy and rigid. She felt very much like she had at Bill and Fleur's wedding, her breath lost somewhere in her chest, trepidation gripping her stomach, and dizzying thoughts swarming through her head.

Her eyes flickered across the scene: three witches and two wizards surrounded them. It was evident in their apparel that they were not Death Eaters; instead of heavy black robes, they were dressed in jumpers and hooded sweatshirts with plain trousers and hiking boots, some with fur jackets and others' made of leather. If Edelyn didn't know better, she would have thought them to be hunters catching prey, the dark shades of brown, blue, red, and green of their garments making them blend into the forest surroundings. Around each of their left arms was tied a strip of crimson fabric.

"They're just kids!" one of them guffawed. 

"Kids that are in trouble," another said gleefully. 

Edelyn unconsciously took a step closer to Ron as the burliest of the group stepped toward her. He had a domineering presence about him, and the black makeup smeared across his eyes oddly made him more intimidating. 

"Well, well, well, someone's certainly been naughty." His lips curled maliciously as he towered over Edelyn and the menace in his voice made Ron instinctively reach out and grasp her hand, pulling her closer to him and away from the strapping wizard. "Speaking the Dark Lord's name?"

"How did you—?" Edelyn thought aloud. 

He grunted a low laugh. "It's been tabooed, dearie." He reached over and caressed her jaw with his thumb; a shiver ran down her spine and she gritted her teeth.

"Get your hands off her."

Edelyn felt a strong tug and she stumbled back into Ron's chest. If she hadn't known that Ron had been standing right beside her, she would have wondered who had spoken, for she had never heard him speak in such a sinister voice before. 

It was short-lived, however, as Ron suddenly gave a high-pitched yelp; one of the Snatchers had harshly jabbed their wand into the small of his back, making him buck into Edelyn. "You're not in the place to be making demands," they snarled.

The burly wizard raised his hand. "Easy now, Carson."

Carson sneered then reluctantly lowered her wand. "Sorry, Zor."

Zor folded his arms and looked back down at Edelyn. His brow knitted in thought. "You look awfully familiar, dearie." 

Edelyn gulped and felt Ron's hand go terribly clammy. Taking a shaky breath to compose herself, she sent him a cold glare and spat, "I think I'd remember a face like yours." 

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