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[warning: cringey, steamy angst]

SOON, THERE WERE ONLY NINE DAYS LEFT until November the 7th, and Edelyn was becoming restless in anticipation for her seventeenth birthday

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SOON, THERE WERE ONLY NINE DAYS LEFT until November the 7th, and Edelyn was becoming restless in anticipation for her seventeenth birthday. She had packed and repacked her rucksack almost every day for the past two weeks, rummaging through her belongings and making sure that she had everything she needed; she was prepared to leave as soon as the clock struck twelve.

On the evening of the tenth full moon, Edelyn found herself standing in Shell Cottage's kitchen, absentmindedly washing the dishes — she had just finished a quiet supper with Bill and Fleur. The newly wedded couple were now rested in the living room, and Kreacher was somewhere upstairs, no doubt polishing that locket he now always wore around his neck.

She was deeply lost in her own thoughts, mind stuck on Remus and Tonks, wondering how the former was coping with his transformation and the latter with her pregnancy. With her mind entrapped in a fit of worry for the both, for neither status as a werewolf or with child was advantageous in a wizarding war, her senses were focused solely on the task at hand. A green and yellow sponge lathered with suds was held in one hand, and a dirty plate in another; all she could hear was the constant rush of water from the tap, lukewarm on her skin. 

The sound of a familiar voice greeting, "Hey" suddenly pulled her out of her trance, and she quickly spun on her heels. At the sight before her, she dropped the plate and sponge, the latter falling silently to the wooden floor, and the former landing with much less grace.

She took no notice of this, however. Lips parted in shock, her eyes stared fixedly at the boy standing in front of her, who was shifting his weight nervously from side to side. He had red hair, blue eyes, freckles, and patched clothes; all the features of a Weasley and all the features of her best mate. But the voice of reason rung loudly in her head: It can't be him. It surely can't.

Bill and Fleur, who had heard the sound of shattering ceramic, came rushing in. They didn't look surprised by the presence of the boy, and Edelyn realized that she must have been so lost in her thoughts that she had not heard him enter, nor be greeted by his brother and sister-in-law. She exchanged a quick glance with Bill and then looked back at the boy with a deep-set frown.

"Prove it's you."

The boy blinked at her. "Huh?"

"Prove it's you," she repeated, voice flat. 

"Er..." He looked slightly taken aback, but shoved his hands into his front pockets nonetheless and paused in thought. "Until you were seven, you thought Fred was George and George was Fred. You have a badger stuffed animal that's missing an eye because you tried to perform a spell on it a week before our first-year and ended up blasting it off..." He scrunched his brow. "And...And your favourite chess piece is a pawn because you think the front-liners are the bravest."

A moment of stunned silence ensued, then with an exhale of his name, Edelyn jumped over the broken plate and flung her arms around him into a tight embrace, one which was returned with equal warmth. 

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