― vii. kiss me wild

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𝓚𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝓜𝐞 𝓦𝐢𝐥𝐝

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𝓚𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝓜𝐞 𝓦𝐢𝐥𝐝

1995 had to be the worst year to be alive, surely!

Edelyn felt like she was teetering on the edge of screaming her throat raw with each passing day. Professor Umbridge was relentless in her efforts on reigning hell upon Hogwarts and when the Weasley twins and Harry got themselves banned from Quidditch due to a brutal fist match with Draco Malfoy ( the slimy ferret most certainly had it coming ), she wanted to dive her broomstick straight into the Black Lake and spend the rest of the year with the Merpeople. 

Dumbledore's Army — their firm rebellion — became the only thing that kept her going, but even then, meetings were filled with the flirtatious giggles of Cho Chang, stumbling over her wand whenever Harry stood too near. Edelyn didn't know how she felt about the pretty Ravenclaw — anger, sadness, jealousy? A concoction of mixed emotions dizzied her mind. 

She was Cedric's girlfriend.
A voice chimed in her head.

It hasn't even been six months!
Already drooling over Harry!

But Cedric would have wanted
her to move on
. Another voice reasoned.
He would have wanted her to be happy. 

By the eve of the winter holidays, Edelyn was in need of a stale drink and the lions answered her silent plea with a most desired party. After all, the House of red and gold was notorious for hosting the wildest festivities, never failing to serve the perfect blend of alcohol, good music, and hormone-driven chaos. 

Butterbeer. Firewhiskey. Crisps. Sweets. The Weird Sisters.

"This is it," Ginny declared, wiggling her hips as she pulled down the sides of her jean skirt — Hermione thought it was covering much too little of her thighs, while Edelyn thought it brought out her fire. "I'm going to do it tonight," she spoke as she stared at herself in the mirror. "It's been four years. This crush has gone on for far too long. I'm moving on."

"You sure, Gin?" said Edelyn from her spot on Ginny's bed, sending the girl a teasing smile. "What about his eyes? His eyes that are as green as a...what was it again, Hermione?"

Said girl, who was weaving her bushy hair into two neat braids, grinned and supplied, "Fresh pickled toad."

"Ah, yes!" Edelyn exclaimed with a snap of her fingers. "How could I forget? And then there was..." She tapped her chin with her fingers in mock thought. "Ah, right, his hair. His hair as dark as a blackboard..."

Ginny, who was now red in the face, scowled at Edelyn and threw a shoe at her.

"Oh, come on, Gin," she snickered, ducking as the sneaker came flying at her head. "Sing it with me! 'I wish he was mine, he's truly divine, the hero who conquered the Dark Lord!'"

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