― 02 | FLIGHT

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EDELYN KICKED OFF HARD FROM THE GROUND alongside Alastor and the two soared into the sky, side by side with the others nearby

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EDELYN KICKED OFF HARD FROM THE GROUND alongside Alastor and the two soared into the sky, side by side with the others nearby. They had barely flown a block away from Number 4 Privet Drive when suddenly, out of nowhere, out of nothing, they were surrounded — at least thirty hooded figures, suspended in midair, formed a vast circle around which the Order members had risen.

Screams and blazes of light began to erupt from every side, and a lump of anxiety lodged in Edelyn's throat as her eyes met Alastor's. Swallowing thickly, she took a shaky breath before leaning forward on her broom and zooming through the night sky, Alastor close by her side. 

With adrenaline pumping through her veins and her heart pounding fast in her chest, she felt curses whooshing past her from behind. Turning her head around, she saw seven Death Eaters hot on their pursuit. Drawing her wand, she pointed at them and yelled, "STUPEFY!"

A bolt of red light shot out, cleaving a gap between the Death Eaters as they scattered to avoid it. From beside her, Alastor shouted, "Confringo!" and the spell blasted a hooded figure off their broom; one of their fellows slowed down and wheeled around to save them, leaving five in the chase.

As she dodged another curse, a Death Eater suddenly emerged right beside her. Pointing her wand at him she yelled, "Incarcerous!" Ropes sprung out and tightened around the Death Eater. No longer able to control his broom, he flew straight into a tower as Edelyn veered around it. Then, as they swerved to the left of a tall building, a bolt of green light flashed past her ear. Whipping her head around, she directed her wand at the attacker and shouted, "Impedimenta!

Her spell missed its target and another was thrown her way. 

"Protego!" she shouted, and with a flick of her wrist, she yelled, "Confringo!" The Death Eater was blasted back, but before Edelyn could catch her breath, she saw a blaze of red light head towards Alastor and her throat burned raw as she yelled, "MADEYE, DUCK!" 

The Auror acquiesced just in time, and Edelyn sighed in relief before turning her head to the side and nearly slipping off her broom. Her lips parted, her chest tightened, and all she wanted to do at that moment was to squeeze her eyes shut, for the sight of him brought her nothing but bone-rattling fear.


He was flying like smoke on the wind, without a broomstick to hold him, his snakelike face gleaming out of the blackness. Edelyn shuddered and her whole body froze in fright as his white fingers tightened around his wand and the killing curse rolled coldly off his tongue. The flash of green light that then shot straight at her gleamed brightly in her gunmetal blue orbs before her broom was suddenly tugged from below; the spell soared past her head, and Edelyn could feel the strength of it ripple through her hair.

Alastor had saved her. 

Blinking herself back to focus, she firmly gripped her wand and muttered, "S...S-Stu — Stupefy!"  

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