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HARRY STARED DOWN AT THE TABLE before him, fingers tracing the eighty-nine tick marks etched into the wood, courtesy of Ron's pocketknife, and felt his whole body stiffen

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HARRY STARED DOWN AT THE TABLE before him, fingers tracing the eighty-nine tick marks etched into the wood, courtesy of Ron's pocketknife, and felt his whole body stiffen. The tension in the tent was high — it had been high for the past three months — and he could vaguely hear Ron and Hermione conversing from the other room. "We've only got three Horcruxes left!" Ron's voice drifted. "We need a plan of action. Come on, Hermione, you're the brains. Where haven't we looked? Let's go through it again: the orphanage...Diagon Alley...Hogwarts..." The two raked over them and Harry buried his face in his palms.

Eighty-seven days — such was how long it had been since Ron's return, and eighty-nine since Edelyn had been captured by Snatchers. Harry could still remember it now — could still feel it now — the clenching in his chest and lurching of his stomach when Ron had explained, in a panicked state, what had happened. 

"What — what do you mean she's...she's gone?" Harry had uttered through chattering teeth, goosebumps still dotting his skin from the bitter cold of the pool in which he had dived to fetch the sword of Gryffindor. 

"Snatchers." Ron whispered, and Hermione, whose anger towards him had quickly dissipated into shock, grasped his hand. "There were five of them. They disarmed us and Lyn knew there was no way for both of us to escape, so she just...she just..." His voice trailed off.

"What are we standing here for, then? We need to go. We need to find her!"

"But Harry, I...I have no idea where they took her."

"You said she spoke You-Know-Who's name, right? We'll just have to say it now, and—

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "Don't be stupid! Do that and it'll be walking right into—

"I don't care!" His voice had risen to almost a shout. "I don't care, Hermione. It's Lyn we're talking about. They've got Lyn! We can't just sit here and do nothing while they...they..." A lump formed in this throat.

Hermione shook her head. "Look, Ron said that they wanted the reward, right?" She turned to him, and he nodded. "Well, there's a reason there's a reward on her head. Those Snatchers, or any Death Eaters for that matter, wouldn't dare kill her. You-Know-Who wants her alive, and...Well, don't you see?

"See what?" he demanded, rather impatiently. 

"Oh Harry," she sighed with exasperation as if he had just asked a dumb question in class. "Don't you remember why you broke up with her? You left her because you thought You-Know-Who would use her to get to you if he ever found out you two were...Well, just how much she means to you. Now that he's got her, he's undoubtedly figured it out, and purposefully walking into a load of Snatchers now would only be doing exactly what he wants you to do."

"So...so there's nothing we can do?" Ron asked, voice laced with mingled pain and guilt.

"The best we can do to help her would be to finish the mission. Finish the mission and finish You-Know-Who. It's what Lyn would want us to do."

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