― iv. the colour pink

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𝓣𝐡𝐞 𝓒𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝓟𝐢𝐧𝐤

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𝓣𝐡𝐞 𝓒𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝓟𝐢𝐧𝐤

Edelyn was convinced that no matter how athletic one became, climbing stairs would always feel like a fight for one's life. By the time she reached the top of North Tower, her lungs were screaming and she wondered bitterly if Harry Potter was worth such trouble. 

As expected, she found him moping underneath the trapdoor that led to the Divination classroom. Moody bitch, indeed

"Lyn? What are you—?"

"Ron and Hermione told me what happened," she said, taking a cross-legged seat beside him. "I thought you might like some company and food." She unwrapped the sandwiches and handed one to Harry.

"Oh — erm — thanks." 

They ate their sandwiches in silence,  both gazing out the window at the castle grounds below. "I can't wait to fly again," Edelyn muttered, fingers absentmindedly playing with the shoelaces of her trainers. "Can't believe it's been a year since we've played Quidditch..." She turned to Harry and frowned in mock concern. "You might have lost your touch by now, oh legendary Seeker." 

Harry snorted a laugh. "l bet I'd still beat you in a race."

Edelyn quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

"Yup," he said, a grin tugging at his lips.

"Alright then," Edelyn challenged. "You. Me. Quidditch pitch. Tomorrow after Herbology, four o'clock sharp. Loser has to polish the other's broom all season."

"You're on."

"You sure you're ready, Potter?"

Harry nudged her in the side and said with a smirk that would have made James Potter proud, "I was born ready, Black."

They shook hands and for the first time since Cedric's death, Edelyn felt like herself again. Unfortunately, such high spirits were short-lived and her Arithmancy lesson with Hermione was succeeded by Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Edelyn knew from the moment Professor Umbridge opened her mouth that she was going to ruin the colour pink for her. 

The stout witch spoke to them as if they were six years old and Edelyn could confidently say that it was the dullest Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson she had ever had. Why did you resign, Remus? She thought to herself and reminisced of Grindylows and Red Caps while she read the first chapter of Defensive Magical Theory. She was rubbing her eyes and stifling a yawn when Ron nudged her in the arm. Many heads were now turned and Edelyn followed their gazes to see that Hermione, who was sitting a table away next to Harry, had her hand raised.

"Did you want to ask something about the chapter, dear?" Professor Umbridge asked.

"Not the chapter, but I have a question about the course aims. They don't mention actually using spells."

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