A Touch with Popularity - Chapter 1

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Alexis' POV

ring ring ring, I reach over and slap my alarm off and check the time. 7:15, I read. I get up and throw on a pair of high waisted blue jeans, a red ruffled cropped shirt and my black vans. I walk into the kitchen and see my aunt passed out on the couch. Let me explain; I'm Alexis Button, my parents are separated. My mom lives in Tampa, Florida and for my dad, I don't know where he is. He left when I was born, my mom never told him she was pregnant with his child and so when I was born he left. I still like to believe he loves me even if he doesn't know me. He has never tried to contact me of any sort, and I believe that if he really wants to get to know me then he can always reach out to me. I will always love him. My mom always told me a story where when he held me for the first time he smiled and hugged me, kissed my mom and I's forehead and said I'm sorry, your lives will be better without me and then he walked out those white hospital doors and never turned back.

I look back at the clock on my aunt's wall, 7:17, I read. "No time to waste." I murmur under my breath. I tip toe to the cabinet and grab a bowl, I pour out Lucky Charms, my favorite cereal, and pour the milk over the crisp cereal. I eat swiftly and rush out the door to my black charger. I jog to the driver's side and drive to school. I park my car into the Lisette High school parking lot. 7:31, I read on the clock, I've always been early to school. I think it gives me time to wake up with all my friend's welcoming faces. I walk into the school as I'm immediately welcomed by my friend Chloe Pearce and beside her is my other friend, Luna Rose. They both have known me since 7th grade. And we've been through thick and thin together, including: my mom leaving the state, boy drama as well as girl drama if I'm being honest, and so much more.

"Hey! Why the long face?" Luna asks me, catching me out of my trance.

"Oh! Did you tell her?" Chloe asks Luna, raising her voice. "Yikes, I gotta go." Chloe says dashing off to her boyfriend.

"He asked Jordan Lang to the dance?" I drop my jaw.

"Her?" I sigh "Kaden Amber asked her to the dance!?" Luna nods her head and links her elbow with mine.

"Come on, let's go to class." I stumble behind her, as she runs quickly in front of me.

I sit down in my seat next to Brandon Welsh, a football player. He had a crush on me freshman year, I wonder what happened? I never liked him back is why. He is a total player. Just like—

"Sorry, I'm late, Mrs. Lenk. There-" Kaden walks in, late. He usually isn't late. I've had a crush on him since 6th grade, he is the school's golden boy; he's the captain of the football team, he is a good student, and every girl wants him, and every boy wants to be him. Cliche? I don't think so. Truthful? Possibly. But overall, he is so sweet at least I think so. He doesn't really notice me as anything more than a friend at school.

"No need to explain." Mrs. Lenk, our world history teacher says with her thick Russian accent. This is gonna be a long class.


"More casserole?" Luna groans. Our lunch has always been strange, not bad, but strange. It's better than having to pack lunches, because at that rate, I would be rushing out of the door for school much later.

"Yes, complain anymore and you won't get any, Miss Rose." Our lunch lady Cassandra Shen says with her snobby attitude.

"Oh my goodness, he's so perfect." I say, watching Kaden as he sits down next to his current girlfriend, Jordan Lang.

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