Something Old Something New

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Jaemin stared at the television and then stood up, moving around the hotel room to the ice bucket and picked up a small plastic cup. "Okay, make the phone call."

Miracle picked up the phone and grinned, dialing Jordan's number and pressed the phone to his ear.

Jordan picked up the phone. "Hello? Jordan Bryant."

Miracle grinned, looking at Jaemin. "Oh thank god it's you Jordan!"

"Miracle? Where are you? I tried to GPS you but your phone disappeared! I was worried to death...Miracle you really need to get back here. Your family is here, I'm here, I can help you."

"Unfortunately, Jordan..I can't do that." Miracle looked down. "And not for the reasons you think." Miracle paused. "You see...I've realized that I want to be with you after all...I know you aren't a bad guy. Thing is...Jaemin left me stranded in Georgia...we went clubbing last night and...I was messing around with a guy and he got pissed off and totally left and took off and the guy ended up gone and I had to walk all the way to this hotel...all by myself, in Atlanta! There were thugs and creeps all over the place! I was lucky I even had money in my pocket to pay for this!"

Jordan frowned. "I will have to come get you then."

"But Jordan...if we are going to be together, don't you think we have to get rid of Eric? I know he has you on his pay but...he wants me and he'll take me away from you. Maybe you should bring Kyler too and we can take care of him so he won't be hunting us." Miracle grinned. "You can even take Eric's private jet, you can borrow a bunch of money from him and then we can hire a new pilot and go flying anywhere we want in the world!"

Jordan didn't say anything for a moment. "What hotel are you at?"

"'s the Atlanta. I am in room 809. Just hurry and get here. I am so afraid of being alone. I need you Jordan. Jaemin hurt me so bad...I need you to take the pain away...I need to feel you..."

"Okay, I will be there as soon as I can."

Miracle grinned. "Can't wait! See you when you get here!" Miracle then hung up. "Plan in motion, now we just have to wait."

Jaemin poured his tea into the cup. "You know we can't take the jet right? Eric's probably got a tracker on it." He turned around to look at Miracle. "Nice idea though." He sipped his drink.

"Oh." Miracle suddenly frowned. "I thought we could knock off the pilot for it...or at least hold him at gun point." His eyes then suddenly lit up. "That's it! We could hold the pilot hostage and make him turn the tracker off!"

"We don't know anything about it, he would probably fake turning it off." Jaemin shook his head and sat down on the edge of the bed where he grabbed the remote and flipped through channels. "Maybe splurging on the Hilton wasn't a good idea."

"Oh please, Craig can afford it and thats a paper trail, right?" Miracle shook his head and laid on his stomach, staring at the television.

"Yeah but cameras...the security will see Kyler and Jordan coming in but never going out."

"Then we can pull it off like that movie...put them in wheel chairs and cover them up real good and make out like they are really drunk."

"What the fuck kind of movie did that?" Jaemin looked at Miracle.

"Lies my mother told me." He grinned.

"And I bet the killer got caught too." Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"What? Well thats only because she was married to the guy and they always suspect the spouse." Miracle argued.

"Better off to throw them off the balcony together like a suicide pack. Hell the way you got it set up, Jordan might help you kill Kyler for us. Just convince them both onto the balcony, have Jordan push Kyler off, I'll come up from behind and kick Jordan off of it, we'll act all upset and tell them that after me and you got out of the shower, we heard them talking about it and before we could get to them...they jumped." Jaemin shrugged.

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