You Break My Heart

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Jaemin laid in Miracle's bed, staring up at the ceiling, he could hear the faint voices out in the living room between Hunter and Craig as they both spoke to Miracle but he couldn't quite understand what they were saying, he could tell that Miracle wasn't being very responsive and so he assumed he was listening more than anything.

"God, am I doing the right thing?" Jaemin slowly shook his head, finding comfort in the darkness but finding more comfort from the faint glow through the window from the moonlight.

A brief smile appeared and then he softly laughed. "Why should I even be talking to you? I'm probably on your hit list or something."

The door opened and Miracle stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "Jae..." He whispered and walked towards the bed, climbing into it, covering them both in the sheet as he tangled himself around Jaemin, getting as close as possible.

"Are you okay? I mean considering..." Jaemin wrapped his arms around Miracle and looked down at him.

"It is what it is." He looked up at Jaemin.

"Aren't you even curious about the shoe box?"

Miracle gave a shake of his head. "I guess a little but ... I just want to be close to someone, intimately close." He said, resting his head on Jaemin's chest.

"Okay." Jaemin nodded. "Listen, I know this is a bit soon to bring up but I want to take a trip when spring break comes."

"Where to?" Miracle asked, closing his eyes.

"To find my Mom. When I was held captive at one of the location points we were locked in this storage room, there wasn't much to do so I started digging around the room and I found the contract, it had her signature and a picture. I guess it was kept as insurance in case she thought about turning on them or something. I don't know but I have it."

"For real?" Miracle then looked up, curious. "Where does she live?"

"Ohio but she lived here in New York when I was born, it had her old address listed."

"Have you been to the old address? Checked it out?"

Jaemin shrugged. "I walked by there, just saw some man."

"He could of been your Dad." Miracle pushed himself to sit up.

"And what proof did I have? Not like I could ask some strange man to come take a blood test with me." Jaemin frowned. "I bet you wonder about your Dad now, your real one."

Miracle looked thoughtful and then nodded. "I don't know if this is bad or not. My birth Mother is here and now all I can think about is my birth Dad. It's like I would rather find him than her." He nervously took in a breath. "You don't think it's some sick and twisted need to have another David, do you? Like not in the way of him doing what he did but just in some clinging needy way."

"David? That was the guy's name? The one who did those things to you?" Jaemin gently rubbed Miracle's arm. "So you're saying that you think if you found your birth Father that you think you might cling to him just in a very affectionate yet non sexual way?"

Miracle nodded. "Yeah, like what if I wanted to like cuddle him or maybe just...go into a total mental regression? I'm sixteen but what if I clinged to him as if I were still just a child? Isn't that twisted? I mean technically it's his fault if you go by cause and affect."

"Maybe you just feel attracted more because of your past." Jaemin looked down. "Like maybe it's just that he's a male, older..he would be what David was without doing evil things yet despite how wrong you know it all was it's been your nature so long. Maybe that's why you feel an attraction, a stronger pull for him over her."

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