Chapter 11

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"Where are we going now?"

"Just back home" Liz says

I sigh and look out the window, the car drives by building by building making it look like the fastforward option on a television. so many memories come flooding back to me. The little ice cream shop that me and Alexa would go to after school, the family theatre that Aaron, Alex  and I would be in plays together, usually chickening out before going onstage. The little shop where me and Alexa would buy matching outfits like dorky little kids. All of those memories, all of the laughs and smiles and years of friendship just to go down the drain like waist, like nothing....

"Ariana" I feel Liz's hand on my shoulder and jump

I whip the tears from my eyes and realize that we're already parked "We're here?"

Liz nods and we both get out of the car and walk up to the door together.

I finish up the last of my makeup with some pale pink lip gloss and start down the hallway, but before I head down the stairs I stop off at Frankies room and stick my head through the doorway "heya"

Frankie looks over at me "hi"

"Mind if I come in??" I ask and he shakes his head

I walk in and plop down on his bed, he sits down next to me and looks me straight in my eyes "Liz told me what happened"

I gulp and look down "she did huh....."

He places his hands on mine and I look back at him "I'm so sorry"

"Don't be, there's nothing you could do about it....."

"No" Frankie begins, the reaches for my arm "but there's something I could've done about this" he lifts my sleeve up before I could object, and just stares at my wrists.

He looks back up at my face with watery eyes "I'm so sorry Ariana....I could have helped you, I should have helped you..."

"No Frankie, you didn't  not your fault don't blame yourself. Please" I put my arms around him and tears start falling from my cheeks onto his shoulder

"Please come to me if you ever need someone...please" he says against my ear.

I pull away from him just enough to see his face "I will" I promise knowing I'll break it, apparently he's forgetten that I'm an actor too

He smiles "well let's get your make up fixed" hops off the bed and runs to go grab his makeup, I don't mind at all, I know I'm in the best hands with the queen of all drag queens

Frankie sets down the liquid eyeliner and holds a mirror up to my face "look at it" he says

But I deny it and set it back down on the table, "I don't need to, I'm sure it looks lovely"

Frankie sits back on the bed "So Liz says your going out with Harry Styles tonight" he smiles hugely

"It's not a date" I sigh "all of his bandmates will be there, and I really just want to get away from everything"

"Well whatever, but he's still a cutie pie" Frankie says while putting away the rest of the makeup

"Your so lucky you have someone to talk to crushes about, all I had was George" Liz laughs walking into the room

I smile at Frankie and he smiles at me "well we better get going" Liz says

"Kay-kay" I hug Frankie goodbye then walk downstairs

"You know where we're going right?" Liz looks in the rear view mirror and backs the car up

"Yeah, Gemma texted me the details" she straightened th  car out and we take off down the street

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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