Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

A flight attendant takes my luggage and I head to my seat. I find it next to a girl with brown hair and brown eyes who looks slightly older then me. And sit down

She looks at me with a smile "hi, I'm Gemma" she introduces herself with a British accent. I swear I've seen her somewhere before.

"Ariana" I return her smile

"I know who you are" her smile grows bigger "I think your amazing"

"Thanks" I laugh, flattered

"So, you heading to Florida?"

"Yeah, I'm visiting family. You?"

"Same, I'm going to see my brother and his band mates play there"

"Oh, your brothers in a band?"

She laughs as if it's obvious "why yes, yes he is"

I rack my brain trying to find out where I know her from "do I know the band?"

"Probably" she grins and leans back in her seat

It's killing me, I know I know her.....but who is she, I swear I wouldn't recognize my own mother if she was standing right in front of me.

We talk for most of the ride about random things, until I fall asleep mid-sentence

I jerk awake when I feel the plane land roughly, and look out the window stunned that the time could've passed that fast

"We're here silly, you slept the whole way" Gemma laughs

"Seriously?" My I squeak

"Yeah" She laughs

"what time is it?" I stretch my arms

"It's ten in the morning"

"But we were supposed to land at four"

"Yeah, we landed early, now come on before they lock us in here and ship us of to China or something" she grabs my arm and I realize that theres barely anyone in the plane anymore.

We walk inside the airport and grab our bags together, Gemma turns to me "well, maybe I'll see you around Grande" she smiles

"Yeah, maybe....." I pause "Wait, what's your last name"

She laughs "you'll find out soon" she winks at me and then walks away.

I chuckle to myself and shake my head

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