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josh didn't know how, nor when, but he suddenly found himself taking the exit to an airport.

okay nevermind that's a lie we all know this is a lie. let's be real, he knew exactly where he was going. he was going to a place he called home ever since he saw him. he needed to get away, he needed to run away from everything. run to the only person that made him happy.


"tyler? hey" a sweetened voice stirred the brunette boy as his eyes were closed and head slack on the uncomfortable airplane chair he sat in. billie took one for the team and let tyler sit at the window seat and her smushed in the middle.

"we're about to land, look!"

tyler suddenly jolted, forcing the window open and trying his best to ignore the immediate brightness that practically scolded his eyes. the duo watched as the puffed clouds became closer and closer, as if they were joshua.

the silver haired girl smiled, "only in a matter of hours"

"i know" tyler bit his chapped lip, "do you think he'll remember me?"

billie grabbed tylers hand, rubbing her thumb on the back of his hand, "of course"


you don't even know where you're going

what's your flight number? where's your ticket where the FUCK is your ticke- okay thank god

luggage did you even bring luggage you piece of garbage? backpack, you brought a backpack. but no clothes. nice going, josh.

god i hate these metal detector things. i'm not a criminal i swear - thank god it didn't beep.

josh was proud, he hadn't forgotten anything today so far. although his anxiety was bursting through the roof because of crowded places and busy large machines are everywhere and it seems like literally everyone knows what their doing but him, he was doing okay. his mind was on tyler.

soon, he thought, soon.


"i do not like planes, they hurt my butt" the brunette spoke as he sat up from his seat, preparing to leave the plane.

billie laughed, "everyone feels that way, unless they travel first class, then they never want to leave"

"why didn't we get first class?"

"because we're broke tyler"


it took several minutes, but the two were finally off of the plane. tyler could hardly contain himself.

"ohmygod billie i am going to see him. you are going to see him!"

"yes tyler i know"

"he has dark brown hair, kind of curly but not the kind that gets in your eyes. his eyes are like strawberries - chocolate covered strawberries - because they are brown, you know?"

billie snickered and pointed at a random stranger, "like that guy?"

"no bil' he is not just some random bo-"
he suddenly grew silent, but kept quickly walking beside billie.

"tyler? hello?"

he walked passed the boy, trying his best not to lock eyes with him. god it looked just like him.


sike the chapter ends here.

mon amour (sequel to bonjour) •joshler•Where stories live. Discover now