~~Insane and Southern~~

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Once (Y/N) yelled out her answer, she and masky went out the reeking room. (Y/N) could tell Masky was cringing at the smell of rot. She was used to the smell, since her room was right across the hall, and showed no sign of disgust or fear of what was now burred in the pile.

"If your a killer.... why are you gagging on the air?" (Y/N) asked. 'I'm being an idiot...' 'NO WE ARE NOT! NEGITIVE!' We? This was the first time she had thought of herself as two beings, even when here parents were still alive.

"I'd rather keep it somewhat clean. You need to grab some clothing, food, and personal items. Can you go get those out of your room?"

"Why yes I may, sir.~" (Y/N) made a dramatic hand movement, but then quickly replaced her hand on her hip, and turned her voice southern. " But, I ain't got no mini frigeadator in this room, so we may just have ta go to the kitchen and get some food there." (Y/N) chuckeled a little bit. "If-" she laughed. "If that's what you want, sir!"

"Jez, your almost as bad as Jeff with these thing-" he was cut off.

"If this 'Jeff' is makin fun of the southern crowd, he has another thing commin buddy!" (Y/N) said yet again in the southern voice, but toned down to a lower level. (Ok, in this story, if you can't tell, you are in a southern, wooded, area. So you ALLWAYS have a southern acsent, but not as much as this playful one here.) 

"Just.... go get your stuff, (Y/N). We can talk more about the others on the way to we're going. We have another person with M.P.D. there."

"Ok....." (Y/N) said in a more hushed tone, like her old self, noticing what choice she had made. Masky had taken a notice, and was now clocely watching. 

She walked up to her room, the door had My Room carved into the door frame. 'How did I even get up there?' She wondered, with such tall doorways, she, even being an 'almost teen,' could not get close to touching the frame of the door. She pushed the door open, it screamed out in protest, but it slid easily over the carpet of the room. The shiplap walls were painted a light gray, with one wall having a (pattern of choice) pattern on it. There was a single dresser, painted a dark gray, a singular bed, which wood was the same dark gray, but the sheets, pillow cases, and blanket had the wall pattern on it. The last thing in the room that really stood out was the nightstand, which, was just the same dark gray, with a small lamp and clock on it.

'Better get a move on, you two. LETS GET A SHAKIN!' Thought (Y/N). This voice had the southern accent. (Y/N) started picking out clothing, along with A supply of copy paper and sketching pencils, and a large sized teddy bear, that she found out in a tree, abandoned in the front yard. 

'Hay, umm..., South, what do you mean by 'you two?'' 

'Ha, Ha, South, I kinda like that. Welp, three of us in here, hopefuly. AINT THAT RIGHT....... INSANE~' South, (Y/N)'s southern as heak personality shout thought.

'Did you call me Insane? Why would you call me that, I'm just trying to be nice.~' Another voiced purred in (Y/N)'s mind. 'Is it beacuse I was the first one to make number uno remember we have feelings too?'

'So your that really happy and crazy one? The name suits you, dude.' (Y/N) Thought as she shoved her large polar bear plush in her bag.

Before Insane could say, think, anything else, Masky walked into the room. "Are you done packing?"

"All except for the food." (Y/N) said. This time there was no South or Insane to make her voice sound happy or joking, it was just plain, and in a, kind of, frightened tone.

"What happened to the prep in your step? Loose it, or are you still coming?" Masky said, walking right up into (Y/N)'s face.

"IM STILL HERE!" Insane yelped, making Masky jump back. "Me too, you ok?" South said. "And I guess I'm number three on the 'I'm here' list..." 

(Y/N) could tell Masky was shocked to hear the three voices, wanting to be heard, out of the single body. "Ok... Ok then." He stammered. "Do all of you have different names to go by or..." 

"Yeah, we do." South started. "We have the normal (Y/N), who is the one who is unshure about you. Then there is Insane, she is the exciteable one you first met. Now there is me! I'm the southern one!"

Masky lifted his mask, and rubbed his hands on his face. "Slender is gonna kill me." He mumbled quietly.

(Y/N) grabbed her bag, and went by Masky. "Who is Mr.Slender? Is he like your dad or something?" The gang couldn't help but thinking of an old man, pouncing on cops, and hitting them with his cane.

"Oh, no, no, no. He is my Master. He is kinda like my boss." Masky looked down at (Y/N), and but his hand on her shoulder. "He... actually.. hopefully... has no idea about you. I was just sent here to kill the adults."

"ARE WE GONNA DIE?!?!" Insanity yelled, startling Masky, yet agian.

"No. No, you are not 'gonna die,' the worst he is gonna do to us, is kick you out." Masky pulled his mask back down over his face. "I will get most of the rath. He wouldn't hurt the disabled, kinda has a knack for the cooky."

"Can we just go and get the food out the fridge, and get outa here, before the cops know there are two dead, a murderer, and a nut in this home." South snapped at the two, she was obousally about to explode with anger if they didn't shake their tails, and get a move on.

Nana (me) : WOW! That took a while, and a lot of acting.

Masky: T~T  I hate you Nana, but I'm doing this for the readers. 

Southern extra: Yah, I'm just here to fill in this part!

Insanity: Dude, nobody was talking to you, SHUT U PIE HOLE!

Narrator: If we are talking about acting I have the most of the script!  *holds up stack of papers >~<*

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