Deadly Finals

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"(C/N)? Um... I-I was told to come and get you by Masky. He said we are partners for our finals..." A strangely familiar voice said, as the creature pounded on the door some more.

"Huh... Come in." (C/N) yawned and sat up, it was 'early' to the pasta standards, and she had no prior knowlage of 'finals.' The word going through her head, not really setting in with meaning.

The door creeped open, bringing, none other than, Nana into view. She looked scared and weary, like the room was going to collapse and crush her.

"H-Hi. Sorry for intruding so early, b-but I wanted to know who my partner was before the finals. Were the first to know about them." Nana stammered out. 'Maybe she will explain what the finals are.' South thought.

"It's ok." (C/N) sat up more, to lean up agents the head board. "So, Finals? Like the exams at the end of the school year?" 

"Yah, exactly." She said with more confidence. She came and sat by (C/N). "It's my first year as a Writer, allways wanted to be something with creativity. How about you? Were you planning on anything like this?" Nana asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Nope. I actually wanted to be an artist, but that's kinda flew out the window." (C/N) let out a sigh. "I would still be drawing in free time, but since I have the little voices in my head, I have been tired out." "HAYYyyyyyY!" Insane squeaked. 

"That shouldn't stop ya'! I'm still walking in the woods and climbin trees, even though the typical Writer is scribbeling on paper, and I am, but I want to go back to some sorta normal." Nana let out a real southern acsent, trying to sound kind of mocking, but not meaning to offend at the same time.

"I like this one! We should kill her last." South thought aloud.

"I was thinking the same about you." Nana let out a laugh, she had her walls, but when broken down, she was nice. "We better start thinking about how we are going to do this." She pulled out a map of a large building, and flattened it out on the bed. "We need to kill someone named Sullivan Hicory TigersWood, and his room is here..."

--FINALZ TIME-- (infront Of slender woods)

"By now, all of you should know, that today is your finals test. Passing this let's us know you are ready to become a full fledged CreepyPasta." Slender told the group of people, no younger than seven, no older than fifty. "One person in your pair was informed early, and should have told the other." There was some yelling from an older man, to a younger woman. "You all were assigned your mission, and I ask you to bring back one vital body part to show that the victim is dead."

Masky steped forward. "I'm hoping everyone from my squadron knows that there is a chance you will get caught. We will not come and look for you, and if you try and run, rethinking your choice of life, you will die. Am I clear?"

Half the group of people, along with (C/N) and Nana, said a loud 'Yes Sir.'

Hoodie was next to move up. "The lot of you have to know, that if you end up failing the mission,  either coming back empty handed, getting injured, or caught, will lead to a miserable death, but not beffore your labeled as crazy by the public. Isn't that right?"

The whole group let out a mixture of 'yes sir' and 'uh huh.'

"Now, find your pairs." Slender said, there was a morbid tone to his voice.

(C/N) and Nana were already standing next to each other, the rest of the group was shifting and mingling, some saying bye and good luck to their friends, others greeting their partners, or just plain yelling at them because they were never told about the plans and or never trained for it. One person even broke down, yelling about how he couldn't even stop twitching.

"I'm going to die!" The young man yelled through shudders and ticks.

Ticci Toby ran over and drug him away from the rest of the group. 'That pore kid is gonna die.' South thought. 'Yah, but we're gonna die if we don't complete this quote on quote mission.' His partner walked after him.

"I presume we are all in are small groups. I hope you all show your best, especially who are training to be more than a Pasta." Nana tensed. "You can be off."

Sorry for the short chapter, I HAS OTHER THISGS TO ATENED TO!

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