The Newbies

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"Sooooo, How ya liking it here, (C/N)?" Masky, the leader of her squadron asked. It had been a week since (Y/N) had first arrived, taking the name (C/N), and she had learned that laziness was not an option, especially for a newbie that had just started training, and in all the spare time that was left was either filled with sleep or studying techniques.  

"I have no idea, beacuse all I do is train, but I don't mind it." (C/N) said, looking back down at the anatomy book she was reading. "Some of this stuff is cool.... like how the reproductive organs are not vital?" 'HAHAHAHAHAHA! OMFG (Y/N)!!!!' Insane laughed inside (C/N)'s mind. 'I can agree with crazy over here, that was darn funny!' South chirped.

"So, am I cool or no?" Masky asked, lifting his mask off his face to let the 12yr old to get a good look. Had he let his gaurd down?

"Where did your formal go, Mr. I must inform you?" (C/N) joked. "Your the coolest in this place, other than Hoodie." Hoodie had just came inside the little private sitting space they were in, and he was now looking confused beacuse of his name being called.

"WHAAAA???" Masky exclaimed. "But whyyyyy?" Obviously trying to sound hurt, but miserably failing when he let out a small laugh.

"What? Did I do something?" Hoodie asked, thoroughly confused.

"Oh, no, I was just telling Masky how cool you are."

"Your doing what now? You told me the other day that he was the coolest." Hoodie was trying to sound ignorant, but there was a playful tone to his voice.

The room went scilent for a few seconds, then Masky couldn't take it and let out a laugh.

"How about, we let you read the rest of that really interesting anatomy book, and we will get out of your way." Masky pulled back down his mask. "Hoodie and I are planning something for the newbies. I would inform you to read books on fighting skills, and maybe practice stalking a little." He patted (C/N)'s head. "See you later, trainee."

'That was new.' Masky and Hoodie were always alert, always serious. 'Had they just joked with me?' The rest of the pastas, Narrators, and Writers, were spreading rumors about how they were still having normal lives, and only came here beacuse Slender told them too. 'I, for one, believe the others, strength in numbers, right?' 'Insanity, that can't be true, when they do leave, it's only a couple of days, not enough to have a normal life.' Or was it?

After (C/N) read her anatomy book, along with five other books about fighting skills, and also stalking random people in the mansion as they came by. (C/N) was planning on going to sleep, when she saw four people. They were new to her. One was in a strait jacket, and had a breathing mask on. The second one had a broken picachu mask on, and a fancy suit. The third, (C/N) recognized from pictures, it was Mr.Creepypasta, and, next to him, was the fourth person, or monster, it was a girl, about her age, with brow hair, a blue jacket, blue jeans, a cat mask, and had the same black ooze as Jack, coming out of her eyes.

"Hay, MCP, how's Nana getting along?" The one in the strait jacket asked.

"Fine, she is kinda shy though. Do you want to talk to her, Creepypasta JR?" As Mr.Creeps said that, Nana's sockets widened in fear, as if she was going to die if she moved. 

"Yah, Hay, CreepsMCPasta, come here, lets talk to the newbie!" JR called to the one in the mask.


"Kid, what's your Writer name?" Jr asked.

"K-Kid Creepypasta." She stammered out. 'She seems nice, maybe I should talk to that kid one day.' (C/N) thought while walking up to her room.

Once (C/N) was in her room, she flopped down on her bed.


"Because, this one right here wants to live." South said while (C/N) sat up. "So if we all want to live, we gotta listen to Slender, who told us to listen to Masky."

"But why so muchhhhh! We didn't have to run this much in track!" Insane screeched, she was obviously peeved about all the excessive exercise.

"Because murderers need to know how to run from the scene without getting caught." (C/N) said calmly, she was getting a little annoyed with the yelling of the two voices.

"Wait, (Y/N), so your actually telling me, your fine with going to kill a person?" Insane asked alarmed.


"A human being?"

"Its kinda obvious that we are training to do that, Insane. Why do you think our first physical placement test was in an abandoned part of the mansion?"

"It was the only area that we could do it in?" Insane stated, trying to sound innocent.

"It was to see how fast me and the other newbies could get through the section, without getting caught, and what did you think we were going to do? Be a secretary for the killers?"

Insane and South were quiet, they didn't know how to answer. (C/N) looked at the clock.9:30a.m. flashed across the screen. "Great, its past curfew, and we have been yelling at each other. We are going to literally gonna die." (C/N) whispered. The pastas were night dwellers, so the curfew was 9:00 in the morning. "Lets hope to Zalgo that nobody heard... No, lets hope to Slender that nobody cared, because someone was bound to hear that caterwaul." (C/N) lied down, she now had a head ache, not as bad as slender sickness, but one none the less. She almost broke her ankle while tackling Eyeless Jack, who had known of the approach, and dramatically played dead after he fell, then jumping up, scaring the shit out of the preteen, and when she fell back, her leg went in a weird position, the only thing saving her was BEN, who was just minding his own business, who had been easily knocked over.

'My head hurts, my ankle hurts, and my brain has no room for more knowledge. Lets hope tomorrow, will be a better day, and that I don't have a butt hurt because of Insane.' (C/N) thought as she slowly drifted into a fitful sleep.

Author be here

Yo, Yo, Yo, look at me! I'm in the story, *Do a little dance* I have been supper bored, thinking I should make this chapter twice as long as the others, then I'm like, "N.O.P.E.! I NEED A BUNCH OUT RIGHT NOW! Es hora de ir rápido Sonic!"

If your wondering why I have to go "Cena rápida" it's because I have to stay at another house every other month, that has different electronic restrictions. I'm going Monday, it is Saturday at 10:10PM, and I have studying and a homework project on Klenfelter Syndrome to do tomorrow.


Thank you for Coming to the PastaMart, we hope you come again.

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