+=Arrive and Arise=+

606 16 17

Authors Note

Me: Wow, are we actually getting to be at the place?!

Masky: Yes. Readers, If you cant tell, Nana dose not like the 'Hoodie X Masky' ship, or really any other ship for that matter. A lot of us, might hate the other lot, because of the way she wants to go with the story, sorry for any inconvenience.

Hoodie: Jesus, we should start calling you 'Formality.' u to formal.

Masky: *Pounce* (OvO)

Me: *Laughs* Jesus Christ- *Laughs* *Coughs* *Falls over* *Gets trampled by fighting boys*


"Were here~" Hoodie cheered, over the time it took to get 'here,'they talked about who was in the mansion, what to be ready for, what not to be, and the rest of the walk was filled with arguing between Masky and Hoodie, once they even started fighting, having to be pulled apart, and threatened with the knife (Y/N) grabbed. 'That pulled them apart quick.'

"So this is the place?" (Y/N) said in awe. There was a huge mansion, with multiple stories in front of her. There were so many windows and, there were even some balconies for some rooms. The big place looked like it was in mediocre quality, mostly because of blood on the windows, huge doors in the front, and the walls, some cracked and broken windows, covered up with duct tape or wood, then the overgrown garden that looked like it had a mind of its own.

"Yep, sorry about the mess, the people and things at this home don't really know how to clean up after themselves." Masky said, shaking his head towards the big doors. "Are you ready to meet them? Don't be surprised if they try and 'Kill On Sight,' its kinda in out nature."

"I-We are ready." (Y/N) said, remembering South and Insane.

"Ok, don't let them get threatened by you, and don't get threatened by them, that's what can kill you." Hoodie said, as he took the lead to the door, and Masky taking the flank.

When they were reaching the door, (Y/N) started hearing the excitement form the innards of the home, 'That must be the others.' South thought to the others. When they reached the doors, the two boys looked a little tense, a little more protective over the 12 year old that was now in their care.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?" Masky worriedly asked, obviously rethinking his decision.

"We are at the door now! I'd rather and us open it now, then have Insane and (Y/N) on my tail because of their curiosity." South said. "HAY! "both (Y/N) and Insanity souled, that was offensive. 

They pushed open the doors, letting the light from the room escape out into the open. Most of the 'Pastas' didn't take notice. They were doing normal things, like reading, talking, eating, playing around, or watching TV. 'What did I expect, them all to be murdering each other?' 'Yah, you were, well I was' 'Ya'll are stupid.'

"Hi Masky, Hoodie, who is this?" a little girl asked, 'Sally, I think is what Masky said on the trip.' At those words, the room seemed to shift. It was as if someone pressed the pause button on a video, everything was quiet.

"Who is that? Did you two decide to adopt a child to be a better couple?~" a midget boy said. 'Oh, that must be BEN Drowned!'

"NO! We brought her here to see the Operator. You may go back to what you were doing." Masky hissed.

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