:Don't Mess With A Caged Tiger:

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This is an official part of the story, its about how the Nana in this fanfict got here. OuO

P.S. Nana the killer is only backed off of my personality, I have no brothers, sisters, or mean gaurdians. All de names are FAKE!

"Nana! Come here! We got someone who wants to meet you!" My gaurdians voice rang through the halls. "NOW." She was not the nicest of people, but I had to stay with her, because my brothers had their extracurricular activities that kept them out until allmost 12:00pm.

"Comming...." I said groggily, not wanting to get up what-so-ever. 'Wonder who this could be.'

I walked down the hall, stepping lightly on the steps, as to not wake the man of the house. He could get mad if I woke him, or intrupted him from his games. Once I was down the stairs, I saw a weird looking man in the doorway. He was wearing a broken mask of a picachu, and a fancy suit. Then I recognized him, CreepsMcPasta. He was a popular voice actor for horror stories called Creepypastas. 'What is this guy doing here!?"

"Hi there." He chuckeled at the look on my face, it was the look of pure confusion. "I'm here to take you to a boot camp of sorts."

"I singed you up for it, you little brat." My gaurdian hissed.

"Wa-Wait, w-what? I have done nothing to be in ANY boot camp!!!" I yelled. "I have perfect grades, and I have been helping around this house, along with my own!"

"That has nothing to do with it." She growled.

Creeps steped in. "It actually has every little thing to do with it, but I'm here to take her none the less. Come on." He added to me.

We walked out of the building, and I started to tear up. 'She probably didn't even tell my parents.' We came up to a bus, and we both got on. There were at least twenty people on, of many ages. I sat in a seat, closer to the front of the bus, window spot. I covered my face with my arms, and just cried until there were no tears left. After a while, I started thinking. 'Why didn't I get my stuff?' 'Why was CreepsMcPasta the one to grab me?' 'Why is there adults on the bus?'

Someone sat down next to me.

"Uh... Hay, kid, do you know where we are going?" It was a male voice, at least in his twentys. I didn't turn around, I could tell my face was still red.

"I-I was told that... that we were going to a boot camp, but I'm not to sure..."

"Oh, kid, are you ok?"

"Do I sound ok?" I turned to face the man. "I'm in two advanced classes, passing them, along with all my other classes, and now my 'garudian' tells me I'm going to boot camp." My chest heaved. "I'm a good kid, and it's still the school year. I have no idea where we are going."

"My names Oak, Oak Woodtraill, what's your name." He was trying to calm me down.

"I-I'm Nana, Nana Catsclaaw."

"I was told we were going on a vacation, so I signed up for it. Your not going to camp, don't worry, Nana."

"But where are we going then?"

"I don't know..."

The bus stopped in front of a huge mansion, we were told to get off by our names."Garry Lionsdung, Sunny Clearskys, Oak Woodtraill, Nana Catsclaaw..."

Each person was lined up. Then a tall man walked out of the mansion. SlenderMan!!!

He looked over the group, and then more people walked out of the building. Each picking a person to stand behind. Eyeless Jack stood behind me. 

"Hello participants, most of you must be wondering why you are here instead of the things you signed up for. This is because we needed a few more in the Pasta family. All of you should know what a CreepyPasta is." He looked at the Pastas standing behind the people. "The creatures behind you will take you to an area of choice and do what they wish, nothing of violation or harm, only to do what they were assigned to do. After we will figure out the class you belong, being CreepyPasta, the generic, Narrator, the people who tell our story's to the public, and the Writers, creators of pastas." He waved a hand "You may go."

The main story starts almost a year after these times, leaving Nana stuck in a 12 year olds body, but letting her intelegence grow for as long as she walks the earth. 

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