Sorry, Monsieur

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Just a reminder, your outfit is Clothing: a winter shirt, blue jeans, boots, a bandana, and a cowboy hat (Souths Idea) Weapons: A bread knife, one of those long stick things :D, a shotgun (Insane...). Now, on with the story!

The group of people was filled with quiet chatter, as the pairs started to go in their different directions.

"So we go north?" (C/N) asked Nana. "And then we look for RockClimb Drive?"

"Yah, and then we go down it, and the house is the third one on the left." She replied, both of them starting to walk in the direction of the home.

"Then I go through the window and..." she had to think for a bit, still walking. "You 'Magic' your way in? Then we go for the kill?"

"Yah, exactally... Oh, hay!" Nana called out, looking at a guy with his partner. "HAY! MR. WOODTRAILL!!!!!"

The man turned, his expression, at first, looked angered, then surprised, then glad to see the young girl bouncing up and down, trying to get his attention. He took large strides, walking quickly over to greet Nana.

"Long time no see." Then he noticed how Nana looked. 'What funnnn' insanity thought. "What in the hell did Jack do to your eyes."

"Nothing bad Oak. I'm ok, I'm just wondering, who did you get, to where you have nothing done to your appearance?"

"Bloody Painter...." he said quietly. "He said that we didn't have to change the way I look to make me an 'artist.'"

"Da hell?" Insane said, confused. "Insane! Can't you see the're talkin!" Southern scolded.

Oak looked at (C/N), giving her a grimacing look.

"Oh my. She has D.I.D., Mr.Woodtraill. She has two other personalitys to cope with, and those were the two." Nana said, a little embarrassed. 'Hmph...'

"Tree man! Come on, we haven't got all day! I WANTA BE A PASTA!!!" A teenager yelled, hands cuffed around his mouth to make him louder.

Oak looked even more angry. 'It's like Hoodie and Masky!' (C/N) thought. "Comming, just have to say bye to an old friend." He scoffed. "Some people... Anyways, bye Ms.Catsclaw. Hope you don't die? Can't promise I will see you later."

Nana laughed. "Same to you... Tree man..."

As Oak made his way back to his partner, Nana and (C/N) Went North, through the forest, talking about how there plan would play out, and talking to Insane and South about being as creepy as possible, but not alarming to early. That took the whole forest walk.

----/(>o<)\ What is this? A time skip you say?-------

"Ok, (C/N), he is out cold. You guys know the plan, go and get 'em." Nana whispered. They were crouching in a bush near by the home, and them both being preteens, were unnoticeable in the dark and swaying leaves.

(C/N) sprinted swiftly out of the bramble, hardly making a sound. The leaders making less than a whisper of noise. She ran up to the back wall, and carefully put on gloves. Then tested the window. It was unlocked. She easily pushed the glass pain upwards, letting it click into place. (C/N) could see that Nana was already in the home, stalking along the wall, into the kitchen, where the protective gun the man kept lie. (C/N) crept through the window, making her way to the hall, at the end was the mans bedroom. No sound came through the halls, untill Insane started to laugh.

There was a shuffle from the mans bedroom, and (C/N) sliped into a small hall closet, and hid herself betwene the junk that lay inside.

There were loud steps erupting thought the home. (C/N) peered out the door. The man was in his night clothes, startled by the child's laughter.

"Musta been my imagination, never shoulda listened to Davy about that mixed shot he made..."

"Sorry Monsieur, but it wasn't your ImAgInAtIoN." Nana said, walking up to the man, he was clearly confused.

"Kid, this is my house. This isn't funny, I will call the cops."

(C/N) came out of the closet, making the man jump back. "With what, sir? There is no use of the phone, that's in the living room, and your gun, well, it's not useable anymore." Insane hissed.

The man looked startled, but not intimidated by the two girls, little did he know, he should have been cowering in fear, but that wouldn't help either.

(C/N) pounced on the man, taking much of Masky's advice. She pulled out her bread knife and stabbed him in the arm, then quickly pulling it out. The man let out a wail of pain, throwing her off before she could do any more damage.  Next it was Nana who latched on to the mans arm, and stabbed him with her own knife. 

"I wonder why she dose that," South whispered. "y'all know, her having claws and all...."

The man had fallen over with a loud thud, Nana had hit him in the head with a heavy object.

"You wanta do the final blow now, or have some more fun with this guy?" Nana asked, obviously leaning to the 'fun' option.

Insane was about to say yes, but (C/N) stopped her. "I, me and South, think that we should get this one and leave, so we can get this kill over and done, and have as much fun and time as we want on the other ones, buttttt I'll kill him."

A snort came from Nana, as (C/N)'s gun fired, killing the man in one shot.

"We better go quick now dummy. DONT SHOOT GUNS IN DE HOUCE!" Insane yelled.

"We should take his privates." Nana blearted out.

"Those are not vital, let's take the heart."

"Ruining all da funnnnn...... OK!" Nana shouted lunging onto the courpce.

;-; this took a week, i lost motivation. 

De end!!!!!!

I'm TraSH.

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