In This Neck of the Woods

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"How much food do we need? Is it gonna take long to get where we are going?" (Y/N) asked the masked man, who had half of his body, buried in a lower cabinet.

"It wont take to long, but we are low on some normal foods, and there will be another mouth to feed in the mansion." Masky answered, his voice muffled because of the wooden cabinets, and god knows what's in there.

(Y/N) started to pick out her favorite snacks and foods from their places, and putting them in a backpack, that Masky had thrown at her. She started picking up water bottles and soda cans. Then went for anything else that would fit inside of the bag.

"You might want to grab a knife or something." Masky stated.


"Grab a weapon, remember , I'm taking you to a place full of killers." He pulled his body out of the tiny space, and threw a dead opossum corpse in the middle of the floor. "Why are there so many dead animals in your home!"

As (Y/N) was picking out a knife from the butchers block, she shrugged. "We are in the forest, and my mother never really had the heart to just kill them she would let them starve, or kinda kept them as pets." 'Crazy, she never would let us clean the home because of the 'respect' for the dead animals.' (Y/N) suddenly felt a pang of loss, she would never get to talk to her father about the dead animals, and sneak them outside for that stray dog to devour. "She said we needed to show 'a little respect' for the dead, and that's kinda how I, we, learned that life lesson." She said, picking up a bread knife, and inspecting it.

"That's kind of a sick way to learn that lesson, don't you think?" (Y/N) could tell that Masky did not think that was the right way to teach a child that valuable lesson. "I mean, its not just sick showing respect for the dead animals, but leaving them to rot? You all could have gotten ill!"

"Ain't that what 'cha do with your victims? Leave the bodies to rot until the cops come?" South challenged, she was wanting to know if he would answer.

"Until the cops come, they clean it up eventually, or I clean it myself. This place wasn't that hard to clean, because it has a literal death pile upstairs." He answered back, he looked at the knife (Y/N) was grasping onto. " That should be good enough, come on, grab your bags, and lets get out of here."

Masky lead the way to the door, but in the once they reached the living room, there was a movement on the couch. The sound was made by a man with a yellow hoodie and a black, cloth mask, with a frown face on it. " Are you gonna finish the mission here, or are you gonna kill her outside?"

"H-Hoodie!? What are you doing here! This is my mission!" Masky yelled, shocked.

"Can't I come and help you? Now answer my question, partner." Hoodie hissed, even with the mask over his face, and the hood making it impossible to read his expression, he seamed angry, but there was a hint of worry to his voice.

"I was not informed of any child in the home. I was just sent to kill the adults, alone. Seeing that your here, I will inform you that she-" he pointed at (Y/N). " will be coming with us."

"HIIIIIII!" Insane shouted. "SHUT UP!" (Y/N) yelled out. "Jesus Christ you two, have some respect for the man."

"So, your bringing her home, looks like you have a crack in your rock heart.~" Hoodie joked, this visibly got Masky mad. "Lets get out of this place before the red and blue parade start knocking at the door." (wow finally)

Once they were out finally out of the house, (Y/N) took one last look at her old home. It hardly looked like anyone who would even think of violence had been inside. 'I'm gonna miss it here.' 'Us too, we might have not been talking much, but we were there with ya.' The threesome started to walk in silence to, where-ever this 'Slender Mansion' was.

"So, what's your name, and how did you get the mask over there to get you to come with him?" Hoodie asked, obviously trying to be somewhat friendly.

"Well, there are three of us, but I'm (Y/N), number one, then there is Southern and Insanity, or South and Insane for short." She told the hooded man. "As for the second question.... I guess I didn't scream."

"Sounds bout' right. I think Sally will like you." Hoodie looked over to Masky, who was leading the group, in silence. "I remember when me and him were closer."

"Huh, what happened?"

"Just kinda stopped being friends? Your too young to understand, a... 10 year old wouldn't know this stuff."

"EXCUSE ME! I will have you know that we are 12!" Insane yelled, she was now mad as hell.

"... Ok?" Hoodie still sounded like he was trying to prove his point. "Your still too young."

"So you acting like a married couple, who just got in an argument about this? We are not stupid."

Hoodie just looked angered by Insane's comment. It was Masky's turn to talk now. "No, we are not a couple! Why do people think that!" He growled, still walking forwards.

"Cuz' your acting like one, stupid" South pointed out. "SOUTH BE MORE CONSIDERATE!" (Y/N) yelled out, getting a little embarrassed because of the weird glance from Hoodie.

Masky growled. "Why don't we talk more about the mansion, or at least who is in it." He said, in a desperate attempt to try and change the subject.

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