CHAPTER 1: Rough Beginnings

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On a cold winter's night, a mother along with her husband were rushed to the emergency room as the mother was about to give birth.

"It's alright honey, we're at the hospital now" The husband said as he continuously held her hand as she started to hyperventilate. "It hurts so much honey!" The woman cried in a loud tone.

Hours later, the nurses brought over two babies to the mother, "Congrats Mrs. Kim, Mr. Jung, your wife has given birth to twins. They are both girls." The nurse said as she carefully handed over the two baby girls in the mother's arms.

"Oh honey, they're beautiful" The father said with a huge smile on his face as he held one of the twins. "What do you plan naming them, hon?" "I would name her....Kim represent my family's name", she said as she lovingly looked at the baby to her right in her arms.

"And I'll name her....Jung Wheein...we'll use Jung from your name to represent your family...." She said as she lovingly looked at the baby to her left in her arms.

"Wheein, Yongsun, I love those names honey" The father said to his wife, "Wheein, Yongsun, we'll make sure to take care of you, and we wish for good things to come for the both of you in the future" He said as he cried tears of joy.

Years later, their mother was always brought to the hospital, there were times where her pneumonia would come back &  go away, her immune system became weaker & weaker.

It was later found out that in the family, her mother inherited her grandmother's rare disease called SCID or Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency which affects a person's immune system, most of them survived due to immediate treatment. Their mother's condition was partly treated back then & as she gave birth to the twins she nearly had difficulty yet soon after, each of symptoms came back one by one.

Weeks after continuous visits to the hospital, their mother then gave up on treatment due their lack of funds, "Hon.....take care....of...the...twins for me....", those were last words as the sound of a flat line spread across the room. "No! This cannot happen! Please! Doctor! Do something!" The father said furiously as the twins were left outside the room.

"No!!!" The father said as he furiously poured out all of his anger as he stormed out of the room. 

"D-Dad? What's going on?" Yongsun, now 6 years old said, along with Wheein as they held each others hand.

"Don't you see?! Your mother is dead!" The father said as he began hitting the walls out of frustration. This left the twins in shock and grief, just then their uncle arrived.

"I-I'm sorry Junghwan...." the uncle said as he arrived hearing the news of his sister's death. "W-What do you mean Jihu?" "I-I knew this was bound to happen....." "You knew?! Why the hell didn't you tell me?!" The father said in his never-ending furious tone. 

"She didn't want to worry you Junghwan! She told me to keep it a secret from you...but now..." "If this didn't happen then I wouldn't know?! Is that the point?!" 

"Do you two know about this?!" The twins remained silent as they cried. "So you knew?! Why am I the only one not allowed to know about this?!" "Jihu, I'm sorry!" The uncle said as he tried to get close to the father.

The father then started a fist fight among the hallway with Yongsun and Wheein's uncle, "Dad! That's enough!" They cried out, but their father continued. This fight caused everyone in the hospital to pull the father and the uncle apart. They were even banned from the hospital, due to the ruckus caused. 

The twins were scared of what could happen to them if they mentioned about their mother to their father, especially now that she's gone. They hoped that nothing bad would happen, that their mother would watch over them.

But as they got home, fear ran through their veins & held on to each other tightly. "Unnie, I'm scared..." Wheein said as she & Yongsun went inside their house. "Don't show that you're scared Wheein, I'm here, I'll protect you." Yongsun said as they hugged.

Their father was now a scary being in their eyes, they were scared for their lives at that moment.

Just then, their father stood up & went to the kitchen. He brought out a dozen soju bottles and began drinking one by one, the twins didn't say a word.

The room was dead silent, no noise was heard, until....

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