CH 2 Professor Seth

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I must have been out for a while Til I heard a scream. I woke up and saw black. Then I

stood up and saw Jerome screaming. "Jerome!!" I yelled running toward him. He was

on a tree staring at something. "What happened?!" I asked looking up at him. "T-that!"

Jerome hesitated while pointing at a creature. The creature had a shell and was a light blue

color. "Squirtle Squirt!" Yelled the creature. "What is that?" I asked scratching my head.

"I don't care!! Just get it away from me!" Jerome yelled making a shoo go away motion.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the creature. It did nothing to me but cuddle on my shoulder.

He was a cute guy and I don't know why Jerome was scared of it. Then I realized where the

hell are we? I looked around and saw Mitch, Jason, Quentin, Ian, and Ty looking at the creatures.

"Hey Jerome! Where the hell are we?" I asked still carrying the creature in hand. "I dunno! Mitch

and I spawned here then I saw that creature!" Jerome yelled. I looked at the creature," Squirtle!"

the creature cried. I wondered if it's name was Squirtle.. "Ya know little buddy, I'm gonna call

u Squirt." I quietly say to Squirtle. Squirtle started cuddling on my shoulder again. He seemed

happy with the name. Squirt sat on my shoulders and held my head for safety. I walked

toward the rest if the group and they gasped at Squirt. "Adam!! What's on ur Shoulders?!"

Jason yelled. "It's a Squirtle." Quentin answered crossing his arms. We all looked

at Quentin. "And how do u know what that is?" I asked. "It's a Pokemon! Of course I know what

it is! I'm one." Quentin replied. "Well, do u know where we are mister Pokemon?" Ian

jokingly asked. Quentin just rolled his eyes," No mister Derp'o." He replied snickering. We saw

a building that was not very tall,"Should we go check that out?" Jason asked. We all

nodded and walked towards the building. "Pokemon Lab." Mitch read out loud a sign we

saw in front of the building. We walked in and saw a man with black spiky hair, wearing a

white lab coat, and had glasses on. I walked up to him," Um, excuse me sir we would like to

know where are we?" The man turned around," Why, of course we are in PokeMania!" He said

looking at us one by one. "U all must be new here." The man said adjusting his lab coat. "I'm

Professor Seth, the Pokemon professor of PokeMania. And what are ur names?" The Professor

Asked. "I'm Adam, that's Jason, Ty, Quentin, Ian, Jerome, and Mitch." I introduced. "Well

I guess u are all looking forward to getting ur very own pokemon eh?" The professor said

looking at each of us. We all looked at each other and decided to say yes. "Yeah." We all said.

"Well I just got 7 new Pokemon but one escaped... Have u seen a Pokemon named

Squirtle?" The professor asked. "Uh... Yes I found him in the back of ur lab." I replied picking

up Squirtle. "U seemed to grow attached to it, would u like to keep it?" He asked. "Yeah I guess."

I answered back putting Squirtle back on my shoulders. "would u like to give it a nickname?" He

asked. "I already gave it one his name is Squirt." I replied. "I prefer u change it, when ur Pokemon

battles other pokemon they gain XP, and may evolve into a different Pokemon." The professor

Objected. "Sweeeeeet." I heard Jerome and Mitch say at the same time. "Um.. I'll name it

Hydro then." I said patting squirtles head. "What about u 6? Here pick a Pokeball wisely." He said

turning to the rest of the gang. Mitch walked up first," Don't mind if I do!" He stated walking up

to a pokeball and taking it. Jerome walked up second," Hope this is good." He said almost droppin

it on the floor. Quentin walked up third," Pfft easy." He said confidently as he picked up a

Pokeball and started twirling it on his hand. "Showoff." I muttered. Ian went up fourth," Uhh

jeez just 3 more..." He said picking one up and holding it in 2 hands. Ty went up fifth," Hmm..

I'll pick this one!" Ty said picking up the Pokeball knocking on it. Last was Jason," The Last one

hope it's awesome!" He said as he snatched it. "Don't open it yet! Open it outside, now here!

these are pokedexs. They record Pokemon Data, also have 10 POKEBALLS!" The professor

Said giving us the items. We all thanked him," How are we gonna get out of PokeMania? We

Really aren't from this world." Jason asked. "Well u must defeat the Pokemon League."

The professor answered as he turned away. "U should get going now if I were u... Start ur

Journey right away!" The professor said going to his desk. We walked out of the lab and

walked to a flat grass land. "Let's have a Battle!!" Mitch yelled holding his hand in front

of all of us. We all yelled,"YEAH!" And we all started pairing each other in groups.

I was Nervicited (THERE IT IS AGAIN! Hue Hue Hue) to battle each other. I nodded

at Squirtle. And Squirtle nodded at me. We were both ready to Battle.

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