CH 4 Ty VS Jason

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I stood in my position holding my

Pokeball in hand. "LET THE MATCH BEGIN!!"

Quentin yelled. "I choose u!!" I yelled

throwing my Pokeball on the field.

A chicken like creature came out.

It was orange, a beak, 2 chicken legs,

and had no arms. "Chick chick."

The creature cried. "What is it

Mr. Pokemon?" I asked Quentin.

Quentin just rolled his eyes," it's

A torchic u butt." He replied.

"Awesome." I whispered.

"Well, I choose u!!!!!"

Jason yelled. A penguin

like Pokemon came out.

It had fins, a lightblueish

color, and a beak.

"Piplup! Pip!" The creature cried.

"Awesome a penguin!" Jason yelled.

"Torchic use ember!" I yelled.

Torchic ran to piplup and breath

Fire... Nothin happened. "Haha

Fire can't beat water idiot.."

Jason chuckled. Piplup stood

up strong and torchic is um...

pecking the ground? Oh.. Ik!

"Piplup just do a little slap that should

do the trick!" Jason yelled. Piplup ran up to torchic

who was still pecking the ground,

and slapped it. "HEY THAT ISNT A MOVE!"

I yelled. "For piplup it is." Jason laughed.

Torchic fell on its butt and stood up again.

"use peck!" I ordered. Torchic pecked

Piplup and piplup fell back then stood up.



Jason yelled laughing. Piplup went in the air and

sprayed torchic with water. Torchic had swirls for

eyes and was knocked out. "JASON WINS!!!!"

Quentin yelled. Piplup and Jason high fived. I

Returned torchic in its pokeball. "GG." I said

To Jason and then to Torchic. We walked over to the rest

of the gang and sat down. "NEXT IS MITCH AND JEROME."

Quentin yelled. Mitch and Jerome went to their position.


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