CH 11 The Cave Maze

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When I defeated the Gym battle everyone stood up

and congratulated me. (Every member of TC got their

1st badge even the a!!hole Quentin) "Well, without

Mr. Pokemon we're stumped." Jerome whined.

"I have a map! Quentin gave it to me before

he left." I said holding the rolled up map.

"So where to?" Ty asked petting Blaze/Torchic.

I opened the map," Well we have to go through the

Cave Maze." I gulped at the name. "T-that sounds

creepy." Jason shivered. "Not like EverGreen forest!

that's where I met Spikey!" Mitch bragged.

"Oh please even though ur the only one out of all

of us with 2 Pokemon doesn't mean ur the boss."

Ian said rolling his eyes. "Oh well!" Mitch said

slopping on the couch in the PokeCenter. "Come

on we gotta get a move on, I heard there were bikes in

the next town." I said standing up holding the map.

"Well I'm in!" Ty exclaimed running to the door.

We all walked outside the town and saw the Cave Maze.

"Do u think we might find some new Pokeman here?"

Jerome asked. "Who knows?" I said putting the map away.

"Should we split up, and meet at the end?" Jason asked

looking at the cave. "I guess so." Ty said quietly. We all

went inside and went our separate ways. The cave

was pretty well lighted so I could see. I was lonely so

I brought out Hydro," Hydro! I need some Company!

I yelled throwing the Pokeball. "Wartortle!!!" Hydro

Cried. Hydro and I walked through the maze. There

were many twists and turns we started getting

tired. When we were slowing down I bumped into

someone,"Ow! Hey! Watch where ur going!" I looked up

and saw Ty. "Ty it's me!" I yelled. "Oh didn't see u there."

Ty said standing up. Oh really? How could u not see me

when it's like bright in this cave. "So should we stick

together since we found each other?" I asked walking through

The cave. "Yeah I could use some company." Ty said

walking with me. "Return Hydro!" I yelled returning Hydro.

"Soooo found any Pokemon in this cave?" I said

awkwardly putting my hands behind my head. "No,

Mitch is still the one that has 2 Pokemon with him,

from what I know." Ty said walking. We continued

Walking through the maze and got really tired.

"Ugh I'm tired!" Ty whined flopping on the ground.

"Yeah we should rest here for a while." I said

sitting down. "Blaze/Torchic! Come out and use

Ember to make this place warm!" Ty yelled.

Blaze came out and put fire on the ground.

Then Blaze sat next to Ty. "Did u find anyone

before me?" I asked scratching my head.

"No just me and Blaze." Ty said scratching

Blazes head. Ty yawned and laid down on the

floor with Blaze by his side. "Good Night Ty."

I whispered and laid down and fell asleep.


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