CH 10 The Rock Gym

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I stepped in the gym and saw tons of rocks.

Quentin wasn't kidding. I saw the Gym leader

right there sitting on a mat. He had straight

shirt hair and had a ,"Come at me Bro." Face.

I went up to him and he looked at me," I

Challenge u to a pokeman battle!" I yelled.

"Pokemon to be exact.. My name is Brian

and I will be ur opponent." The Rock leader

Said. I rolled my eyes," Whatever I like Pokeman

better! Let's get this battle over with!" I said

with determination. "If u say so." Brian said

standing up. Then I heard a machine sound.

I backed up and saw the rock floor turn into

a battle field. "Woah." I whispered in awe.

"Let the Battle Begin!" Exclaimed the flag

judge. "Go! Geodude!" Brian yelled throwing

his Pokeball in the air. A rock creature

with two rocky arms came out. "GEODUDE!"

yelled Geodude. "Go!!!! THE CROC!!!!" I

yelled throwing my Pokeball on the field.

Totodile/The Croc stood up and cried,"Totodile!"

"A water type good choice, GEODUDE!! Use

Rock smash!!" Brian yelled pointing at The Croc.

Geodude bounced to a rock, and picked it up.

Then it bounced to The Croc and out the rock

above his head. "Dodge it!!" I ordered. The Croc

swiftly moved to the left and Geodude crashed the rock

on nothing. "The Croc USE WATER GUN!" I yelled. The

Croc opened his mouth and sprayed water right

into Geodudes face. Geodude did a flip and got another rock.

"Geodude!! Use a rock Tomb!!" Brian yelled. Geodude

surrounded The Croc in seconds with rocks. "The Croc!!!

Use bite to throw rocks at Geodude!!!" I yelled.

The Croc bit every rock and kept throwing them at

Geodude. All of them missed except one that knocked

Geodude out. "GG Geodude." Brian said returning his

Pokemon. I looked at The Croc to see him suuuuuupppper

tired. "The Croc Return!" I yelled returning him back.

I had no choice... But to send Spike/Eevee into battle.

"Go!!!!!! Onix!!!!" Brian yelled throwing his Pokeball

like it was a baseball. A gigantic rock snake like

creature came on the battle field. "ROOOOAR!!!"

Onix roared. "That's huge..." I gulped. (THATS WHAT SHE SAID)

"Good luck Spike. GOOOO SPIKE!!!!" I yelled. Spike appeared

on the field looking up at Onix. "Eevee!!!!!!!" Spike cried.


Some First Generation skills are gonna be in this part.

Where Ash was fighting Brock. Ok continue now.

"Spike!! Run on top of Onix and hit the Sprinklers!!!"

I yelled. (Told ya it's just the sprinklers) Spike ran on top of

Onix,"Onix! Use Wrap!!!" Brian yelled. Onix grabbed Spike in

it's tail and started squeezing him. "Uh... Oh! RETURN!" I yelled

pointing at Spike. "GG.. Now it's The Crocs turn." I said to Spike in

it's Pokeball. "THE CROC U GOT THIS GOOOOO!!!!!!" I yelled.

The Croc went on the field not tired and ready to fight. "Onix

Use wrap on Totodile!!!!" Brain ordered. Onix went closer to

The Croc and wrapped him in his tail. "The Croc!!!!! Use Water

Gun on his face!!!" I yelled. Onix fell back and The Croc landed on

the floor. (WARNING SOME INTENSE MOVES HAHA) Then there was

lights surrounding The Croc. He had red spikes on his head, back, and tail,

A large mouth holding a ton of sharp teeth, sharp claws, and a patterned

belly. "CROCANAW!!!!!" Yelled The Croc. "Awesome!!! NOW FINISH HIM

OFF WITH A WATER TO THE FACE SYNDROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Aka Hydro

pump seeeee) " I ordered. The Croc opened its large mouth and tons

of water came out of it. It knocked out Onix,"RED SIDE WINS!!!" The

Judge yelled. "The Croc we did it!!!!" I yelled. "GG." Brain said returning

Onix and walking up to me. "Here have the Rock Badge (sooo plain)

ur first badge to get in the Pokemon league and u need 8 to go in."

Brain explained giving me the Rock Badge. "Thanks!!" I thanked Brian

and left. I returned The Croc in his Pokeball before I went to the PokeCenter.

I saw 5 people.... One was missing inside the PokeCenter. Where was Quentin?

I walked in and saw Jerome run up to me," Mitch! So how did it go?" He asked.

I opened up my jacket and showed him my Rock badge. "Cooool!!! I gotta

go to the gym next!" Jerome yelled running off. "Soooo where's Quentin?"

I asked sitting down. "That Showoff went off with out us to continue his

own journey to become a Pokemon Master." Adam explained. "Did he get

his first badge?" I asked. "Yeah... He said he got it when we didn't

even have our own Pokemon... I don't even get how." Jason wondered.

"He's an A!!hole.." I said. "Yeah he is." Ian joked. "Well now we have to

go to the next town." I said stretching. "But we have to get our badges!

Everyone said except me. "Oh yeah.. Uh hehe I'll wait." I hesitated.

Sooooooo I waited.....

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