CH 3 Adam VS Ian

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We wrote on a piece of paper who was gonna battle who.

So the paper looked like this.

Mitch VS Jerome

Ty VS Jason

Adam VS Ian

Quentin wasn't in it because he was gonna be the ref.

But sooner or later he will fight.. He is such a showoff.

His new nickname for me is Showoff Haha..

"Adam and Ian will go first!" Quentin yelled. I stood

in my position getting ready to battle. Hydro was

ready because he was getting ready to jump off

my shoulder when I call him to the field. Ian

stood there with his Pokeball in his fist.

"LET THE MATCH BEGIN!!!" Quentin yelled.

"I choose u Hydro!" I yelled pointing at Ian.

Hydro jumped of my shoulder like a booster

and landed on the field. "Squirtle Squirt!"

Hydro cried. "I choose u!!" Ian yelled

not knowing what Pokemon he will get.

He threw the Pokeball and out came

a Pokemon that had a bulb on its back,

Dark green spots, and a light green skin,

came on the field. "Bulbasaur!!!" The

creature yelled. "Sweeeeeet!!! It's a

Sprout!" Ian yelled. Hydro was in

trouble, because grass beats

water. I had no choice." Hydro!!

use Tackle!" I ordered. Hydro

charged at Bulbasaur and hit him on

the head. The Bulbasaur did a flip and shook

his head. "Ur Squirtle can't beat Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur use Tackle!" Ian ordered.

Bulbasaur came running at Hydro.

"DODGE IT!" I yelled. Hydro dodged

Bulbasaur and Bulbasaur hit a tree.

"Ouch." Ian said looking at Bulbasaur.

"Hydro!!! Use skull bash!" I yelled.

Hydro ran super fast to Bulbasaur

and skull bashed him into the tree.

"Annnnnd there goes a tree." Quentin

said scratching his head. There was a hold in

the tree carved as Bulbasaur. Ian and I ran over

to Hydro and Bulbasaur. Hydro stood up and

cried," Squirtle Squirt!" I looked at Bulbasaur,

it's eyes were spiral and knocked out. Quentin

came rushing over," ADAM WINS!" He yelled.

I grabbed Hydro and tossed him on my shoulders.

"We did it Hydro!!" I yelled. Ian picked up

Bulbasaur," GG Bulbasaur GG." He said. Ian

congratulated me," Let's see how Ty and Jason

Battles." Ian smirked. "Yeah let's see!" I

yelled. We ran over to where the others were

and sat on the grass. "TY AND JASON ARE UP."

Quentin yelled. Ty and Jason stood up and went

to their positions. "LET THE MATCH BEGIN!!"

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