CH 9 EverGreen Forest

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We all walked up to a forest that looked

creepy. "U guys have to get passed this

forest to get to the next town." Quentin

said pointing towards the forest. "D-do

we have to?" Gulped Jason. "Of course

u have to! This will be an epic powermove!"

I yelled. "So what's the next town?" Jerome

asked. "I don't know! Why are u asking me?"

Quentin exclaimed. "Ur Mr. Pokemon!"

Everyone yelled except Quentin.

"Ugh.. Do I really have to put up with

u guys?" Quentin asked starting to walk in

the forest. "Yes!" Ty joked. We all started

walking in the forest. "What's the forests name?"

Adam asked. "EverGreen Forest." Quentin said

pointing to a sign. "Makes sense." I said looking

around. I went up to a bush and saw a bug pokemon.

"Ahhhh!!" I yelled falling back on to Jason. "Ugh

what happened!" Jason asked pushing me on the

floor. "Uh.. Hehe nothing." I said standing up and

looking back at the bush. The Bug Pokemon cried,"

Cater Caterpie!" It's name was obviously Caterpie.

I was lazy to get my pokedex out so I caught up with

the others. "How long is this Forest!" Ian whined.

"Be patient! We can get some new Pokeman!"

I yelled running ahead of the gang. When I was

running I heard Ian calling my name but I wanted

to get some new Pokemon. I heard a noise and a

Pokemon that was furry, long ears, big eyes, and a fluffy

tail came out of the bushes. "Agh!!!" I screamed almost

falling on the little guy. I stopped running and bent down

to pat the guy,"Eevee!" The creature cried. I wanted to

keep him soooo badly. I took out a Pokeball around my

belt and put it in front of it. "Wanna get in?" I asked. But

I knew this wasn't the way to catch a Pokemon. I saw

Quentin attempt to catch one. But this time Eevee nodded

and it disappeared into the Pokeball. I decided to name it

Spike because idk.. Then I heard the gang run up to me,"

Mitch! Where did u go?!" Jerome said lifting me up.

"I'm Fine! Just put me down!" I exclaimed laughing.

Jerome put me down and Quentin looked at my belt.

"U got a new Pokemon eh?" He said pointing at Spikes

Pokeball. "How did u know?!" I asked grabbing Spikes Pokeball.

"Im a Pokemon Mitchell! Of course! But I'm not catchable."

Quentin exclaimed. "Danggit.. I wanted to catch a showoff."

I heard Adam murmur. "Well I'm gonna go train my new Pokemon."

I told the guys. "Mitch don't go without us!" Ty yelled. "Ugh... Fine."

I sighed. We walked forward on through the forest. "There!! It's the exit!!"

Jerome exclaimed running. We all ran toward the exit. "Welcome to

Rock City." I read on a sign aloud. "Ill battle the gym first!!!" I yelled

running to the gym. "Wait Mitch!" Quentin yelled running after me while

the rest went to the PokeCenter. I turned around and caught a Yellowstone

that had a lightning bolt going through it. "What is it?" I asked. "I know

U got an Eevee, so use that thunderstone on it when u want to. It will

evolve into a Jolteon." Quentin explained. "Thanks Mudkip." I thanked

Quentin. "Oh yeah I forgot this gym is a rock gym. So electric won't

work or fire.. So use The Croc." Quentin told me before he went to

the PokeCenter. "Will remember!" I yelled to him. I looked up at

the gym and held The Crocs Pokeball in hand. I was ready.

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