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Alison's POV

"Em C'mon" I laugh tugging at her hand.

"Ali I don't know how to pray" Emily says to me giving me that nervous face that makes it look like she has to puke.

I find it oddly strange that someone that grew up in a Christian home and attended a Christian school doesn't know how to pray.

"I'll teach you" I tell my friend pulling her down to the edge of my bed with me. "Here, say it with me" I instruct her to repeat what I say.

Seeing how scared she looks I take her hand in mine before closing my eyes.

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep. Keep me safe all through the night, and wake me with the morning light" I finish causing Emily to repeat everything I just said.

"What now?" Emily questions.

"You say Amen silly" I let her know.

"Amen" we both say at once before glancing over at each other breaking out into a fit of laughter.

Breaking the laugh Emily searches around for her phone.

"Quick what time is it?" She asks me.

"Twelve eighteen, why?" I ask only to be pulled up by my hand as Emily quickly rushes us out to her bedroom balcony.

"Hurry Ali" she tells me.

"Em what in the world are you doing?" I ask.

"You showed me your prayer and now I'll show you mine" Emily answers with a smile.

Looking up at the night sky I see a shooting star sprinting across the navy blue background.

Looking up at the night sky I see a shooting star sprinting across the navy blue background

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"Wow" I quietly say. "It's like you have to whisper" I add being taken over by the beautiful sight.

"Repeat after me" the brunette next to me instructs me.

"Star light, Star bright, first star I see tonight... I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight" Emily finishes

Saying the same exact thing we both close our eyes to make a wish.

Still staring Emily closes her eyes again to say something else.

"Oh yeah and I'm really happy that I met Ali" she says. "I don't ever wanna lose her and I just wanna say thanks to whoever the magical force is that brought us together, she's my best friend" Emily officially finishes opening her eyes to smile at me.

A couple of months ago Emily and her parents moved here from Ohio.

She says the stars are unbelievable out there and that one day she'll take me.

It was summer so none of us were in school.

There's me, Aria, Hanna, Spencer and now Emily.

We all started our freshman year at Rosewood high and we've all grown close to Emily.

Especially me.

"So did you really mean that I'm your best friend?" I ask causing her to nod.

"Yeah" Emily quips. "You've managed to make it to the top of my friend board so that means you're pretty damn important" she adds making me smirk.

"Important huh?" I ask looking at the pictures of us on her board.

"Important huh?" I ask looking at the pictures of us on her board

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"Yeah, important" Emily laughs

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"Yeah, important" Emily laughs.

"How important?" I question her.

"Important enough to do this" Emily says stepping closer to me gently kissing my lips.

In shock I freeze for a while before kissing back.

Though I'm kind of a big deal around here and I have the queendom over every other girl in this town I still haven't had my first kiss.

Until now.

Around everyone else I'm queen bitch Ali but around Emily I can just be regular goofy Ali.

She makes me wanna be different.

I wanna be better.

Slowly pulling away my cheeks flush red as Emily stands in front of me grinning.

"I guess I'm super important" I nervously giggle making her nod her head. "Well you're super important to me too" I add before kissing her cheek once before getting in her bed and turning off the lights.

"Goodnight, Ali" Emily says.

I can tell that she's still smiling even though my back is turned to her.

"Goodnight, Em" I lastly say taking her hand and draping it over my stomach to cuddle and bring her closer.

Not a Teaser Chapter but a sneak peek.
What do you think???🤔
Enjoy 😊

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