What its like to be Gerd

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Gerard's point of view :

"Would you like to go to prom with me ?"
What ? Frank Iero, my crush, the one who kicks me everyday, wants me to be his prom ? Yes
"I-I-I-" fuck make words Gerard, I think I'm going to faint say yes
Before I could respond he was kicking me in the stomach. Fuck it hurts. I think I'm going to threw up.
"Faggot..." he said. I cried and he left.
Fucking hell I love him so much
I can't help but love him...

"Werard Gay, faggot, did you do my homeworks ?"
I look in my backpack but they seem not here. Fuck I have forgotten them at home.
"I-I-I... forgot..." he grabs me by the chin
Our heads are so close, we could kiss.
"You fucking faggot..."
He stared and came close. I feel the butterflies in my stomach. Please let it be a kiss. He just spit on me. Oh god. I wipe his spit and my tears. Why do I love him so much ?

Frank is so beautiful today. Yes he is. I have an inside conversation with myself about Frank...
"What you looking at creepazoid ?"
Oh fuck he caught me staring...
"Shut up. You fucking gay faggot... don't look at me like you're having an orgasm..."
"I'm not-"
"I said don't look at me."
I turn away oh Frank I can't not look at you...
"Stop imagining things that won't ever happen." He whispered in my ear which made me jump. Heart pulse getting faster. It may just stop beating now.
I shouldn't turn.

I walked out of the classroom as someone punched me in the back.
"Fucking faggot, suck my dick asshole. I swear if you even look at Frank in the gym's shower again I'll kill you. Now you're going to tell the coach you quit playing, alright ?"
"I wasn't-"
"Am I clear ?"
"Faggot..." he punched me in the stomach. Fucking asshole I hate him.

I am at lunch alone, of course alone, nobody likes me. I look at Frank and his clique of friends. My sight then went to Bert, and I saw it. How he looked at Frank, differently. That look. He's in love. That is why he acts like this. He loves him. Fucking faggot. Just like me. Fuck...


I take the blade and do a first cut, it doesn't hurt at first then it starts itching, it's not that I want to die, it's just... I don't know... I want Frank to know that I love him, but I can't...I also want him to stop kicking me everyday... Now I feel what you felt Mikey


"Michael! dinner's ready!" called him mother.

"Gerard go tell your brother that dinner's ready he's probably wearing his stupid headphones again..." I get to his room but he's not.

"Mikey?" I check on the bathroom and here he lies in a bath of his own. I scream and call my parents.


"Uh... Way..."


"Someone told me you have something that is mine, you thief."


Frank put on his hands inside of my pants. yes touch me.

"Where is it?!"

Uncapable of talking I moaned

"They said it is in your pants! give me it faggot!"

"Frank it's a trap, he did this just to get you put your hands in his pants, look at his face! fucking pervert!" Bert punched me.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I could finally say.
"Give me the damn bottle, Gerard!"
"Look in his backpack..." he took out my backpack and threw everything out. "Found it!" Screamed Bert in victory.
"If you ever steal anything from us again, you'll see."
"But- But it wasn't me..."

"Faggot..." Frank pushes me to the lockers. Grab me by the hair, yes. Hurt me and do very bad things to me. Please...
"F-Frankie..." I moaned.
"What did you call me?!" He looked at my hard crouch. "Oh..."
He walks away with a disgusted face. Fuck I hate myself...

Frank passed through the hallway and looked at me. Please don't hurt me, just touch me. But he didn't do anything... like every other day. Frank stopped kicking me...  i am relieved he stopped, but his friends still do kick me especially Bert for no reasons.

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