Chapter 1: A Meeting

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Hey there, everyone! back? At least, I'd hope I have returning readers! I'm back with the final installment of the Ancienverse. Yes. Final. This is the last major story I will be writing for this particular universe, cleaning up every loose plot thread I have introduced throughout the series. I feel it'll be a very wild ride for all of us, and hopefully an emotional one. But that's beside the point! This isn't the space for me to ramble on; that's below!

NOTE: This story is the final in a series of stories, which I will detail in a moment so that you don't miss anything. Also, this story is to be much darker than the previous two. Not grimdark or anything, but still darker. It also contains spoilers through XYZ 43, maybe 44. Anyway, the stories in the Ancienverse:

Love in the Time of Teamwork

Firsts, Fans and Failure

A Little Give and Take

A Starlit Sibling Session About Scientific Sweethearts

Love in the Time of Turbulence

Fragmented Figments

Seconds, Skates and Science


Author: Epicocity

Rating: T, for violence

Pairings: Amourshipping (duh), Marissonshipping, Laserbladeshipping and an undisclosed pairing

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Pokémon. For the last time...stop asking.

Love in the Time of Tribulations

An Amourshipping Pokémon Finale

Chapter 1

A Meeting

"You seem amused, young man," rumbled a deep voice among the ambient sounds of the café. No one else seemed to hear him save for the boy to which he was talking. Said boy, a young man with green hair, turned to him with a rather surprised expression. The man, for his part, looked away from the television and the coverage on the Nova Incident. He really wanted to shake his head at that one. Ash just couldn't help it...

"Huh? Oh, well I guess I kind of am," the boy replied. The man regarded him with interest, sipping on his cup of coffee as he waited for the boy to say more. Eventually, he did. "I know the people involved in the Nova Incident and...well, Ash does have a girlfriend. He's dating Serena."

"Ha, that is funny..." the man commented with a short, barking laugh. Truth be told, he could hardly believe it. All his research hadn't turned up any of that information, even if he knew very well the boy that was sitting right in front of him. "...though a little disappointing for any girl who's developed a crush on him. She seems like a nice girl, too. Must give her all sorts of problems to date a boy who seems to be involved in every crisis that comes this world's way."

"Really? I think she's used to it," the boy responded, shrugging a little. The man wasn't entirely sure what to make of it himself, so he just emulated the boy and finished his coffee. It felt nice, running down his throat. Having finished that, he stood and stretched a little, checking the TV. Unfortunately, the time wasn't displayed.

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