Chapter 23: A Sunrise

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This is the end of the climax. I hope it is as emotional for you to read as it was for me to write. Please enjoy Chapter 23.

Chapter 23

A Sunrise

"Right! To the right!" Korrina screamed, bending down to grab hold of the controls to Team Rocket's balloon as another blast of the violet Oblivion Wing fired off again, scorching along the ground powerfully. With a jerk of the switch, and the single rocket that was still firing, the balloon jerked off to the side, barely avoiding the attack.

"You guys all right?" Lionel's voice called. Bonnie quickly inched herself up in the basket to look at the dark-skinned man before nodding. "Good to know. Banette, use Phantom Force!"

"Tetete!" Banette cackled out before suddenly disappearing. Bonnie tried to see where it had gone before it reappeared behind Yveltal and stabbed forward. The Destruction Pokémon looked mildly annoyed as another Moonblast was fired off from Xerneas' horns to collide with its stomach.

Kreeee! It appeared to shout angrily before flapping downward in an attempt to further engage Xerneas. Xerneas' eyes narrowed and it charged forward, horns locking with wings as both prepared to fire off attacks.

"Gary, I don't think there's a way to get those two to move!" Bonnie pointed out. Dedenne nodded his head in agreement while Gary looked contemplative. The loud sound of helicopter rotors (or that was what it sounded like) invaded the air and Bonnie saw that Alpha Squad had pulled up, as if to join them in some kind of powwow.

"Yveltal is a lot like Rayquaza," Tau called out from his pilot's position of their craft. Theta and Chi were busy calling out commands of protection as Yveltal flapped backwards and sent a raging Dark Pulse through the area. Doublade whirled in front of all of them, erecting a Protect shield that the attack slammed into. They weathered the attack, but Doublade drooped a little in the air. "Wounded and angry."

"But we barely beat Rayquaza in Nova," Korrina pointed out.

"If you call it beating," James said with a murmur. "We got blasted out of there pretty quickly."

"Hey, none of this 'giving up' attitude!" Bonnie said, pulling both her fists in towards her chest. "Ash, Serena and my brother aren't, so we don't! Before, Clemont, Conway and Kenneth built a machine to attract Rayquaza to the meteorite. Maybe we can do the same?"

"It's an idea little lady," Lionel responded with a wink. "Only problem is that I don't think we have the tools."

"We have the balloon," Bonnie said. James and Meowth looked at her incredulously.

"A fine suggestion, then. But we need both Xerneas and Yveltal for this, right Oaky-boy?" Lionel asked with a smirk in Gary's direction. The researcher didn't look happy at the little nickname, but he nodded all the same.

"It's a theory that both Diantha and I had. Your friend Aidan confirmed it. That weapon contains energy fueled by the power of destruction. If Xerneas strikes it, it can cancel that out, but I also fear the Weapon will absorb that life energy instead," Gary explained. "We need to balance the flow of life and death by having them cancel each other out to destroy the thing. It's the only way."

"Then we'll give it a try," Chi said, adjusting his glasses on his face. "If we can at least draw Yveltal to the Weapon..."

"Then Xerneas will help us take care of the rest," Lionel concluded. "At least they can be reasoned with and help us out in this case. That's something."

"Incomin'!" Meowth suddenly screamed. Wobbuffet waved his arms frantically as another blast of the violet Oblivion Wing came hurtling towards their whole group. They scattered as fast as they could. Braviary and Charizard shot upward while Lionel and his Skarmory along with Alpha Squad's aircraft dashed to the side. The balloon wasn't as lucky. In its attempt to flee the scene, the balloon twisted up and Bonnie pitched forward into Korrina. A second after she did, the beam grazed the side of the balloon basket, shearing part of it off. The balloon rocked and Bonnie tipped backwards, about to fall out.

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