Chapter 8: A Divergence

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Today was so meh...Like, why? Couldn't they have done a better job? Maybe subs will change my mind, but I feel like the writers didn't even care to write it...oh well, at least Greninja will come back when his gardening work is done. But who cares! Time for Chapter 8!

Chapter 8

A Divergence

Waking up the next morning felt akin to a dream for Serena. In fact, when she first yawned and stretched her legs, she was almost certain that it had been. At least until she remembered the events from the day before: the president kidnapped, Bonnie taken hostage, them getting attacked, and Ash's father. It made her head whirl for a moment before acting as a bucket of cold water that snapped her awake.

"What a day..." Serena breathed out as she sat up. Raking her eyes over the room, she could tell Clemont was asleep (no surprise considering how late they had stayed up) but Ash looked to be on the balcony, doing some morning stretches with Pikachu. Affixing a soft smile to her face, she watched him do so (with a little blush as she realized she was admiring him a little too much) until he turned around, finished, noticing that she was awake.

"Hey," he said with his own grin, stepping back inside to grab his jacket. Serena threw her covers off her and nodded back. Feeling slightly rejuvenated, she went to the bathroom and changed. When she got out, Clemont was waking up as well, though he was acting rather lethargic. Regardless, he was able to dress soon enough and all of them grabbed their bags to make their way down to breakfast. Not surprising at all was that they met the entire quartet staying next door in the hallway. The four of them were just as silent on their way downstairs and to their nifty little café. The waitress, like always, appeared a little disgruntled, though even more so than usual. Even the cooks appeared frazzled, as though this was their last day to make as much money as possible.

The least surprising thing was the presence of Jack at the table, sipping on a coffee, looking well-rested and relaxed. It was such a surprise considering how intense his arrival had been.

"Morning, everyone! Sleep well?" he asked cheerily, taking another sip.

"Well enough..." Clemont yawned out, teetering back and forth until Serena made sure to right him. Pikachu hopped onto the table where a pile of croissants were gathered, though a couple looked strangely nibbled into.

"Pika!" Pikachu proclaimed, turning to Jack with a happy face. He seemed to be quite fine interacting with Ash's father, something that lightened Serena's heart considerably. She and Ash took a seat next to each other.

"Well, make sure you're rested and awake for today. You know what needs to be done," he said sternly. Serena nodded a little, grabbing her own croissant. Now he was entering the intense mode he had been in last night. He didn't look it, Serena observed, casually leaning over to scratch Pikachu behind the ears while checking his watch. Pikachu looked to enjoy it, putting a smile on Ash's face. Serena just decided to enjoy her croissant, though she was only halfway through it when she felt the signature hot breath on her neck of Miette.

"You're really calm. Surprising," she whispered. Serena whipped around as Miette stepped back, adjusting the bag on her shoulders while Sawyer stood next to her.

"Excellent, looks like our party is here," Jack observed, getting to his feet. His words created a slight scramble around the table, mainly for Ash, Pikachu, and Sawyer who quickly nabbed whatever breakfast they could from the table before the former stood up. Serena finished off her own croissant before wiping her mouth and standing.

"All right, we're ready," Ash said, pumping his fist alongside Pikachu.

"I've contacted my people and they'll meet us at the destination. It'll take us a while to get there, even by car, so I hope you won't mind the trip," Jack stated. "Now, Clemont, your plan?"

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