Chapter 11: A Double

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You all know what I'm gonna say here: AMOURSHIPPING IS CANON! AMOURSHIPPING IS CANON! HELL YEAH! Okay, now that we've gotten that out of the way, please enjoy something that's had Amourshipping as canon for a while now. Chapter 11! (Oh, and Amourshipping is canon.)

Chapter 11

A Double

Serena tried to even her breathing, staring at the sight in front of her. When that clearly wasn't working, she shook her head, as though it was going to clear it from her vision. Though when she looked ahead, Reeree still looked the same. Still the same piercing blue eyes, still the same honey-blonde hair. Had the two of them been placed side by side before Serena had cut her hair, they would have easily been twins.

"Tch..." Reeree scoffed upon the sight of her face. She was scowling, giving the most unattractive look upon her face. Serena swallowed thickly. Seeing that upon her own face was unsettling, and she wanted to ask how it was possible. Astrid was the first to find her voice.

"Who are you? !" she snarled angrily. Reeree, if that was indeed her name, turned her head to look at the blonde for just a moment.

"I'm her," she said, pointing directly at Serena. The honey-blonde Performer backed up, clutching at her chest. Braixen gave a look of worry back, but all Serena could manage was a shake of her head. "In a sense."

"And what does that mean?" Astrid demanded angrily. Pyroar leapt back to join her, snarling loudly at the girl with Serena's face. "Your name is Reeree but you look just like Serena. If that was a secret, it's out now, so don't speak in riddles!"

"Umm...uhh...I'm not sure what's going on!" Kalas voice cried out loudly over the crowd. It pierced through whatever confusion Serena was feeling in that moment and she dropped her hands to step forward. "Champion Diantha, what's your opinion on what's going-Champion?"

"Umbreon, Snarl!" Reeree suddenly ordered. The attack was unexpected, but Astrid reacted quicker than Serena had the time to do so. Pyroar ran forward, jumping atop the bridge before leaping above the Snarl and sending a cascade of flames at it to break it apart.

"Don't dodge the question, understand?" Astrid demanded. "Who are you?"

"That's not for you to know. I'm only in this for one reason alone!" Reeree yelled, gripping at her now exposed set of pokeballs. She tossed them high into the air. Serena watched, shifting her foot into more of a battle-ready stance as the balls exploded with light, revealing a Pangoro and Delphox on the stones. Things were starting to make a little more sense for Serena. Well...maybe. "I'm here to keep the attention away from them...and because of her."

"Me?" Serena asked, her gaze narrowing. "Why would you care about me? Because you have my face?"

"That's arrogant," Reeree snapped angrily. "I care...because you're the Serena that has everything. Pangoro, Dark Pulse. Delphox, Flamethrower!"

"Serena!" Astrid yelled. Even though Reeree was in clear violation of the rules of battle, it looked like the other Serena could care less. Judging from the way that the referee threw himself to the side and began scrambling towards one of the open halls, he didn't seem to care, either. The rest of the crowd was a different story; they were more like a mix between confused and slightly panicking.

"Braixen, Flamethrower, full power!" she yelled, not wasting any more time on thought. Braixen snapped back to focusing and brandished her wand forward to send a powerful gushing flame to impact with the incoming strikes. It proved stronger than either of them thought, but Braixen held on despite the power pushing her back bit by bit. "You can do this! We won't let her hurt anyone."

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