Chapter 12: A Vision

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Not gonna lie: the opening part of this chapter is rough and was uncomfortable for me to write, so please keep that in mind for how dark it is. Also, Travis isn't dead...and it's time for Chapter 12!

Chapter 12

A Vision

"Let me go! Let me go!" Bonnie's screams echoed over the water, though they fell mostly on deaf ears. Clemont, or Clime, had grabbed her by her shirt. Bonnie had to admit surprise at such strength being exhibited from someone with Clemont's face and all. Not that it stopped her from struggling. He may have worn her brother's face, but she knew full well that he wasn't. Clemont would never do this to her, no matter how stubborn she was being. "I'll bite you!"

"Let her go!" Goodshow growled out, shakily rising to his feet. Clime looked back and even Goodshow's eyes widened. Clime was silent and he returned back to dragging Bonnie along. His small lapse in attention was enough. Bonnie reached down and violently bit into his arm. He quickly yelped and let go of her. Once her feet hit the ground, she was running off, taking Goodshow's hand and darting into the maze of containers on the deck. She hoped that this Clemont was just as terrible a runner as her brother. "Was that your brother?"

"No, it wasn't!" Bonnie screeched. Stealth was the least of her worries at the moment as she ran, turning to the left instead of the right. The boxes were getting ever larger, concealing them all the more. "My brother would never do those kinds of mean things!"

"I didn't think so, but he looked an awful lot like him." Bonnie couldn't deny that, but she shook her head and tried to ignore it. Casting her gaze backward, she didn't see Clime following them, so she slowed just a little.

"I don't know who he is...or any of them."

"Yes...I thought I saw Gary Oak in that group," Goodshow admitted. "And a trainer that Ash faced in the Sinnoh League, but they never struck me as bad people. Just normal trainers trying to do their best."

"I knew it!" Bonnie proclaimed triumphantly as she now turned them right down another row. She knew that it couldn't possibly be Gary or Miette. Not that she knew where they were at that particular moment, but having gotten to know both of them, the conclusion was simple. Feeling slightly better about that, Bonnie took a look inside her bag to see that Dedenne was pretty much still out cold. "But I wonder who they are..."

"I've no idea, myself. For now, let's just work on-"

"Pidgaw!" The great cry pierced Bonnie's ears and she skidded to a stop as a great shadow traveled overhead. Fear filled her little body and made her tremble as she looked up to the sight of a great big Pokémon overhead. Her steps tried to back up, but she found herself unable to as her legs locked up. The Bird Pokémon overhead descended and suddenly Bonnie felt herself being clasped by large talons. Tears filled her eyes as the same happened to the president and they were both lifted into the air.

After everything she had gone through, this had to be hands-down the most frightening out of all of them. Completely at the enemy's mercy, with no one coming to save them. In her mind, she cried out for her brother, or Ash, or Serena...someone...No one came, though, and soon she found herself being deposited right near Travis' slightly twitching body on the deck as all six of the individuals that were part of this group of evil people surrounded her, including Clime.

"Looks like our intruders came to us," Carl commented. Bonnie, now flat on her butt, backed up as rapidly as she could, only to end up against Gary's feet. She sprung up with fists raised. Gary smirked at her, like he was amused. "Oh...this one is your sister, right Clime?"

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