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Zach's Pov

As I looked at jacks car, I saw his phone left in the vehicle. Frantically I tried opening the door, but it was of course locked. I punched the window hoping for at least a crack but no luck.

"Zach calm down! We're going to find them,  we don't need you to be breaking your hand right now," Daniel said. I huffed and stormed into the building ready for whatever was going to be in my way, as long as I knew I would see Paige again; I would do this every day for her.

As we were roaming the halls of the motel, there was a sudden thud that had come from upstairs. My head spun around looking for the nearest set of stairs. Sprinting across the hallway, I had finally spotted one; the rest of the boys were close behind trying to catch my attention without letting anyone else in the building we were here.

As we all stepped upstairs a feeling of unsteadiness surrounded the air, looking at the happy which seemed almost the same as what it did downstairs there was one door that was completely open. A small light came from the room making me look back on the rest of the boys seeing if we should go in the flat. They all hesitantly nodded, and I stepped forward. 

My face entered the room. First, I noticed the entire place was silent, very few light sources on except one lamp in the far corner. I noticed there was a small hallway in the room; I stepped inside cautiously with Jonah right behind me.  

There was a muffled sound from the room at the end of the hallway; a blue tinted light came from underneath the door. I could hear something or someone from the other side of the door. I opened the door to reveal Paige, on the floor unconscious. I fell to my knees right beside her; the other boys were packed in the doorway only watching me cuddle next to Paige.


Short but at least its an update.

Vote and comment please, if you're interested I have a few other books published at the moment. My Daniel fanfic is very close to complete, and I recommend even in you're in Zach's lane

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