Chapter 7

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She was standing in a dark room that seemed to not have any walls. Suddenly, Hook burst through a door that appeared from nowhere. A bright light shone from her heart as she floated to the sky, away from the shocked pirate on the ground. The light grew until she disappeared from sight, but that was all that she saw before Pan woke her.

The mermaid leans against the edge of her table, panting for a moment. She gasps for air one last time before sitting up straight. She shakes her head to remove the strange sight from her thoughts. The mermaid finishes gathering her things before leaving the cave. Serina resolves to ignore it because it seems to be some sort of trick of Pan's to scare her. A small part of her urges her to keep it in mind, though. She groans to herself, closing her eyes as she continues to walk to the beach and forget the dream.


Sirena pulled herself through the porthole, onto the floor of a very shocked pirate. He was sitting at his desk when he heard something drop onto the floor behind him. He turns to see Sirena sprawled on the ground. This wasn't what had surprised him, though. What actually stunned him was that she now had a tail. He hadn't seen her with it yet. When she left last night, she was zooming through the water before he could see anything. He believed her when she said she was a mermaid, but seeing her this way still made him freeze in place.

Now as she used her magic to dry herself, steaming up the room in the process, all he could do was take in the amazing sight. She looked beautiful in her teal top that matched her tail. The swim had made her hair wet and messy, but he stared in awe at the oblivious girl. She watched her tail instead so she wouldn't burn herself once her tail disappeared. Once her legs materialized, she stood up and smoothed her skirt down, turning to the captain.

"I did promise I'd come back, did I not?" she questioned, taking in his bewildered expression and dropped jaw.

"Yes!" he replied, his voice a bit too loud at the moment. He cleared his throat and straightened his posture. "I didn't know you'd be flopping onto my floor all the sudden. I assumed I'd have to send a rowboat to get you."

"Now why would you waste the time and energy if you knew I could make it in here by myself?" she challenged with a smirk, putting a hand on her hip.

The pirate gave her a dashing smile, "Well, my lady," he bowed in a jesting manner, "I was only trying to be a gentleman."

"A gentleman pirate captain?" she said with a chuckle. "That's not something you see every day. Especially not on Neverland."

"We are rare, true." he returned. He took a step towards her, extending a hand. "Now, may I take your satchel, Sirena?"

"But of course, good sir!" she responded with a curtsy, handing it over. The pair laughed together for a moment as the captain put the bag on a chair. Both had been missing decent company for some time. Killian had his crew, of course, but the mysterious woman made conversation enjoyable. A peaceful silence settled between them as their laughter ended.

The man broke out of his trance first, "So, where shall we begin? I'm not sure how much my library will help you if I don't know what we're looking for."

"We are looking for any book that could mention mermaids - lore or written accounts of encounters with mermaids." She strode across the room, climbing onto the captain's bed and began selecting books. "From there, we will look through them and pick out anything that references the curses." She turns to him with arms full of texts. Her expression serious, "We may not find anything useful, but these will have to be a start, Killian."

His mouth curled into a genuine smile as he crossed the room and took the books from her, "Then have some faith, lass. We will find a way." 

AN:  Leave some comments on what you want to happen, I love hearing fresh ideas to get me started. Or, just comment in general.

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