Chapter 35

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She rushed to the mess hall, her stomach begging her for some food. When she pushed the door open, the captain's breath caught in his chest. He recognized the dress she was wearing, a wave of nostalgia rushing over him. At the same time, she looked completely different from that day, although he couldn't decipher why. Maybe it wasn't her that had changed, but instead how he saw her. He had to admit to himself that the pull he felt had increased the longer she had been on the ship, but he was unsure how much was from the curse and how much was from something else.


It was finally time to receive answers. Sirena and Killian made their way to Viviane's room for help. She would know the most about how the necklace works since she had discovered its existence and whereabouts. Sirena was nervously fidgeting with the drawstrings of the bag, grasping it to ensure the necklace was still there. The captain grabbed her hand to stop her.

"It's in there, lass. It's not going to fall out."

"I know. But I'm still nervous it won't work," she said. Then she mumbled to herself, "I can't afford to not get the answer I want, especially now."

"What was that last bit, lass?" he asked, unsure of what she had said.

"I'm just anxious and excited. Don't mind me."

He gave her a nod but doubted the girl was telling the truth. They reached the door to Viviane's room in silence. It was a tense moment as they stood together before Sirena finally pushed the door open. To their surprise, the normally messy room was neatly organized. Viviane was sitting on her bed, reading an old book. She hadn't appeared to notice the shocked pair standing inside the door.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done to Viviane?" Sirena teased.

The other mermaid laughed in response. "It's an important day for you. The least I can do is make sure you don't have to stand in a pile of clothes for this." She stood and hugged her friend with a grin on her face. "You ready?"

"I have been ready longer than you could ever imagine," she replied with a solemn expression.

"Okay then. According to the legends, all Killian has to do is put it on you, Sirena. If it starts to glow, then you are soul mates in true love and he can break your curse."

"Then let's hope this necklace lights up." She turns to the captain and hands him the small pouch, handling it like it could fall apart any second. Her heart was in her throat as her eyes met the captain's. She felt like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, one small misstep from crashing down. She could hear nothing but the sounds of the waves hitting the sides of the ship and her own rapid heartbeat. She had lived without hope for so long that she was terrified to lose it. Tears started to form in her eyes at the thought.

The tears caught Killian's attention. He reached a hand out to her face, wiping one away. "Hey, whatever happens, you will always have a home on this ship. No one here will care whether you're a mermaid or a human like us. You will belong either way. I promise you, lass."

She gives him a small smile, then nods her head. "I know. And I appreciate it. I'm ready now."

Killian opened the pouch to reveal the necklace. It's ruby red gem caught the glow of the lamps beautifully. Sirena could feel its magic in the air. She took in a shaky breath and closed her eyes. She felt the captain step closer to her and then felt the weight of the chain on her neck. In her anxiety, it felt like it was pulling her to the ground until she heard a gasp from Viviane. When she opened her eyes, she saw the shocked face of the captain, illuminated in a bright red glow. She looked down to see that her hope was not in vain. The man in front of her was truly her soul mate. She had found him. He would save her.

The pair stood in silence, dumbstruck. Tears of joy slipped down Sirena's face. This was the moment she had dreamed of having for hundreds of years on Neverland and it was finally here.

Viviane cleared her throat as she watched them. "Um, I think I'll go to the mess hall to get myself a snack. I'll see you two later." She stumbled past the pair with awkward steps. They didn't register that the other mermaid had spoken or left.

"Now what?" Killian asked in a mumble.

"Well, this says that you're my soul mate. You can break the curse."

"Yes, but how?"

"You don't remember what I told you?" Sirena frowns. He shakes his head. "With true love's kiss, captain."

AN: Hey everyone! Sorry for the surge of updates. I just realized that I had accidentally uploaded the same chapter twice and wanted to get that fixed so the chapter numbers were accurate. To make up for it, here's a second new chapter! Enjoy and vote or comment if you like it or if you have any suggestions!

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