Chapter 33

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"Killian, we're running out of time. That squid ink won't hold him forever."

"That's why we have someone standing guard and applying more to keep him frozen as long as we need, love," Killian reminds her. He spots a red pouch at the bottom of the chest and grabs it. He pulls out what is inside using his hook. "Luckily, lass, you don't have to worry about anything any longer. Look,"

She turns towards him and spots the necklace, the one thing she has been searching for, hanging from his hook. "Killian," she breathes. "You found it!" She runs to him and crushes him into a hug. "Let's get out of here and tell the men the good news!"


Sirena and Killian emerge from the hidden chamber and enter the dining room where the Dark One was still under the effects of the squid ink. Killian holds up the pouch which is hanging from his hook. The crew lets out a cheer and start to leave. Most of the crew is outside when Sirena and Killian hear Rumplestiltskin giggling like a lunatic.

"What's your problem?" Sirena demands, annoyed.

"Oh, just that you think that little trinket will solve all your problems. And that you think you can steal from me without consequence, dearie. I've seen all your crew's faces. I will come after each and every one of you."

"Oh, we're not stealing. We're just borrowing this necklace. You'll find it back in your mansion that you have for some strange reason once we're done with it. We couldn't take the risk that you wouldn't give it to us though."

"Still. I don't like being tricked. You'll pay for this one way or another. And that's a promise."

"Let's get out of here, Sirena. This crocodile isn't worth our time. If anything, he's stalling. We have to go."

"Lead the way, captain." She turns to the Dark One. "See you later, alligator," she taunts with a wink and a mischievous grin.


Once they got back to the ship, the crew began to celebrate. Well, most of the crew. A few men were still jilted from not being able to steal anything of worth to them. They were standing in a giant mansion with nothing to stop them from taking the plunder of a lifetime but the strict orders of their captain. These men were gathered around a table, discussing their unease.

"I know we were at the Dark One's palace, but I don't see what the harm would be in taking a little gold from the man while he's already trapped." The crew member points to the captain who is joyfully dancing with the mermaid herself. "I think the captain has gone soft. He did it for that girl. And she's trouble."

"Hey, I'm mad we didn't get a real score, too, but I don't like what you're saying. Sirena is tough. And she's loyal to us and the captain. She'd make a good pirate. You all remember how she held her own against us that first night, right? And the captain would have our heads if we do anything."

"You're right about that, mate." They hear from behind the man who just spoke. The captain was standing right there, furious. "I will have your heads if you do anything to harm Sirena. We gave her our word that we would help her, and that's what we're going to do. Understand?"

A chorus of "Aye, captain," is all the reply he gets.

"That's what I thought. Now come celebrate. We won today." He raises his glass with a genuine smile of triumph that is contagious to the men. They stand and raise their mugs and clash them together like the old friends they are.


After a night of celebration and several mugs of rum, Sirena and the captain retired for the night. As soon as they got to the quarters, Sirena rushed to the small bag that was placed on the desk and took out the necklace. She held it in one hand and touched a finger to the pendant. Its beautiful ruby reflected the light from the lamps.

"So, love, how does that thing work, exactly?" the pirate asked from behind her.

"I'll have to ask Vivaine. She found the legend. She'll know how it works." She turns to leave so she can ask her friend for the key to the answers she needed so desperately. But before she passed him, the captain gently took hold of her arm to stop her.

"It's late, lass. You and I both have had a lot to drink and I'm willing to bet Vivaine did the same. She's probably passed out in one of the piles in her room. You should let her sleep it off. And you should do the same. Otherwise, magic or no magic, you'll be hurting tomorrow."

"But this is the one thing I've needed to know for far longer than you've been alive!" she argues.

He pauses, "How old are you? You never said."

She lets out a laugh. "I thought you were a gentleman, Killian. A gentleman never asks a lady her age. But I don't really know, anyway. I stopped keeping track of the years passing by long ago. And you're trying to make me forget that I was leaving, aren't you?" she questions with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"And what if I was? It's late, lass. You didn't sleep at all last night because you were sick with worry. You can wait another night for your answers. They'll be waiting for you in the morning."

She stands there for a moment, mulling over his words. Then a yawn sneaks out of her lips. "I suppose you're right, captain. It couldn't hurt to rest up before receiving such important news."

He grins. "I knew I could talk some sense into you. Go ahead and take the bed, lass. You need it more than I do tonight."

"Oh, this old fight again." She rolls her eyes. "And anyway, I'm soberer than you are. You're the one who's going to wake up with his head throbbing."

"Well, I won't let you sleep on the floor tonight. You let me have the bed last night since you stayed up pacing anyway. Honestly, with how often we fight about this, we should just share the bed," he jokes.

"Well, if you insist, captain," she replies with a wink. "As long as you continue to be a gentleman, I don't mind."

The man pauses, grabbing her arm in a gentle grip. "Are you certain, Sirena? Or is this the rum I'm talking to?"

"You're talking to me, captain." She steps away from him so he releases her arm. She kicks her boots off and lays down on the bed, closest to the wall. "There's plenty of room here. And it's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before."

He steps towards the mermaid slowly, trying to give her time in case she changes her mind. But he reaches the side of the bed without her expression changing in the slightest. She gives him a small nod and he pulls his boots off and lies beside her, nearly on the edge to leave some space between them. She tugs on his shoulder so he rolls onto his back. She places her head on his chest and lets out a yawn.

"Goodnight, Killian," she murmurs, her eyes fluttering shut as the exhaustion and alcohol pull her to sleep.

"Goodnight, love," he answers, brushing back the hair that fell on her face before closing his eyes and letting himself drift away too.

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