Chapter 2

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In Andy's room, everybody was looking for Woody's hat cause he will be going to Cowboy camp with Andy

"Oh great, just great" Woody said when he check in Andy's backpack "this will be first year I'll miss cowboy camp all because of my stupid hat"

"Woody, look under your boot" Bo Peep said

"Don't be silly, my hat is not under my boot" Woody said

"Would you just look" Bo said

He sighed and lifted his right boot "see no hat, just the word Andy"

"Uh huh" Bo said "and the boy who wrote that will take you to camp with or without your hat"

"I'm sorry Bo, is just, I'm been looking forward for this all year" Woody said "it's only time just me and Andy"

Then Bo grabbed him with her hook and said "you're cute when you care"

"Bo, not in front of Buzz" Woody embarrassed

"Let him look" Bo said

Then the wind came, the light appeared under the bed, when the wind and the light disappeared, Grace came out of under the bed and everybody was shocked

"What did I miss?" Grace said

"GRACE!" Buzz shouted when he ran to her

"Buzz!" Grace said, then he picked her up and hugged her pretty tight

He said "I'm so happy to see you again"

"Me too" Grace said

"Grace!" Woody called when he ran to her "Grace, your back"

"Woody!" Grace said and Buzz hand her to Woody and he hugged her

Then they heard Bo's sheep and they saw Rex and the sheep are having a tug of war with the video game controller

"Ms. Peep, your sheep" Rex said

Bo whistles at them and they let go of it and Rex accidentally turned on the TV

"Rex, turn it off!" Woody said when he put Grace down "someone is gonna hear"

When Rex was trying to turn off the TV, he said "which one is off"

"Oh for crying out loud, it's this one" Hamm said when he turned off the TV "I depised that chicken"

"Fellas, fellas?" Slinky said coming to the door "okay, I've got some good news and some bad news"

"What news?" Mrs. Potato Head said when everyone asked him what news

"The good news is, I found your hat Woody" Slinky said when his back end came with Woody's hat

"MY HAT!" Woody shouted and put his hat on his head "oh Slink thank you, thank you, thak you, thank you, where did you find it?"

"Well that's the bad news" Slinky said and then a dog barked

"It's Buster" Rex said

"Buster?" Grace confused

Then Sargent and his solilders were trying to keet the door closed and then the dog face came out and Grace said "oh it's the dog that Andy got for Christmas"

"Woody, hide quick" Bo said when everyone and Grace went to their hiding spot

Then Buster ran in, ran around the room, knocking over toys, then he went to Andy's backpack and grabbed Woody and threw him to the ground

Grace actually saw Buster doing that to Woody, she was terrified, but then Buster started licking Woody, it made Grace confused and Woody said "okay, okay, okay you found me Buster alright, hey how did he do Hamm"

Hamm was on the shelf with Mr. Spell with 13.5 on him so Hamm said "uh looks like a new record"

"Okay boy, sit" Woody said to Buster and he sat down "reach for the sky"

Buster stood up, putting his paws up and Woody said "gotcha" like he shot him and Buster laid down and pretending he's dead

"Great job boy" Woody said to Buster while rubbing his belly "who's gonna miss me while I'm gone huh, who's gonna miss me, who's gonna miss me?"

"Andy, you got all of your stuff?" Andy's mom called

"Okay, have a great weekend everybody, I'll see you Sunday" Woody said to everybody and he ran to the backpack

"It's in my room" Andy said to his mom and he went to his room, Buster got up and went to Andy "stick'em up!"

Buster scratched his ear and went under Andy and Andy said "I guess we'll work on that later"

Andy picked up Woody and said "hey Woody, ready to go cowboy camp?"

"Andy honey come on, 5 minutes and we're leaving" Andy's Mom said

"5 minutes, hmm" Andy said

A while later, Grace was watching Andy playing from under the bed, but then Andy accidentally rip Woody's right arm a little bit and Grace gasped when she saw it

"Oh no" Andy said

"Andy let's go, Molly is already in her car seat" his mom said

"But mom, Woody's arm ripped" Andy said when he hand Woody to her

"Oh no" his mom said "maybe we can fix him on the way"

"No, just leave him" Andy said

"I'm sorry honey" his mom said when she put Woody on the top shelf "you know toys don't last forever"

Andy looked at Woody and sighed and when he left, Woody moved and so did everyone and Grace came out of under the bed

"What happened?" Rex asked

"Woody's been shelved" Potato Head said and Rex gasped

Everyone was looking at Woody and Grace said "Woody?"

"Woody?" Bo Peep called "honey are you okay?"

But no response from Woody

Grace's Adventure In Toy Story 2Where stories live. Discover now