Chapter 4

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Etch-A-Sketch draws Woody

"All right, let's review this one more time" Hamm said "at precisely 8:32-ish, Exhibit A, Woody, was kidnapped, exhibit B, a composide sketch of the kidnapper"

Etch-A-Sketch draws the man with a long beard

Bo Peep said "he didn't have a beard like that"

"Fine" Hamm said "uh, Etch, give him a shave"

Etch-A-Sketch redraws the man without a beard

"The kidnapper was bigger than that" Slinky said

"Oh, picky, picky, picky" Hamm said

"Oh, let's just go straight to Exhibit F! The kidnapper's vehicle" Potato Head said "now the vehicle fled the scene in this direction

Refers to their toy reconstruction of the driveway

The toy car went to the left

Hamm said "oh, your parts are in backwards! It went the other way"

Then the toy car went right

Hamm said "hey, put a cork in it"

Rex walks through, destroying their model and said "hey, how do you spell F-B-I?"

Potato Head said "my crime scene!

Hamm said to Rex "hey, watch where you're going, Godspilla!"

"I didn't know this was a crime scene!" Rex said

Excuse me, excuse me" Buzz said "a little quiet please, thank you" and he left

They were pretty confused, so they checked out what Buzz is doing and they saw Buzz with Mr. Spell

"What are you doing Buzz?" Grace asked

"Some sort of message encoded on that vehicile's idetal" Buzz said

"It's just a licience plate" Potato Head said "it's just a jumpful of letters"

"Yeah they are 3.5 million registered cars in the tri-country area alone" Hamm said

"Oh this can't help" Potato Head said "let's leave Buzz to play with his toy" and as they were about to leave, Buzz said "toy, toy, toy, hold on"

As Buzz was typing everyone turned around, Mr. Spell said "Al's Toy Barn"

Everyone shocked and said "Al's Toy Barn"

Buzz picked up the feather and said "Etch, draw that man in a Chicken Suit"

Etch redraws the picture of Al holding Woody wearing a Chicken Suit, which bears a Striking resemblance to the Chicken Mascot from the Al's Toy Barn Commercial and everyone was shocked

"It's the chicken man!" Rex surprised

"That's our guy!" Buzz said

Hamm said "I knew there was somethin' I didn't like about that chicken"

Rex is Channel-surfing at a Slow Pace to find the Al's Toy Barn commercial

"I can't find it" Rex said "It doesn't seem to be on any of these stations"

"Keep looking" Buzz said

Hamm said "oh you're going too slow, let me do the job"

Then Hamm starts Channel-surfing at a breathtaking speed

"It's too fast" Rex said "how can you even tell what's on?"

"I can tell" Hamm replied

Hamm just skips right past the Al's Toy Barn commercial

Rex said "go back, go back, you missed it!"

Hamm said "too late, I'm in the 40's, gotta go around the horn!"

Then the toys and Grace spot the Al's Toy Barn commercial, prompting Hamm to stop

Buzz said after spotting the Al's Toy Barn commercial "now, Etch"

Etch draws up what's shown on the TV

Buzz said "that's where I need to go"

"You can't go, Buzz" Rex said "you'll never make it there"

"Woody once risked his life to save me and Grace" Buzz said "and I couldn't call myself his friend if I wasn't willing to do the same, now who's with me?"

Mrs. Potato Head was packing Potato Head with his stuff

Bo came up to Buzz and said "This is for Woody, when you find him" and he gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Alright, but I don't think it'll mean the same coming for me" Buzz said

"Mr. Buzz Lightyear?" Wheezy said "you just gotta save my pal Woody" and he coughed

"I'll do my best son" Buzz said

"Okay fellas" Potato Head said "let's roll"

Slinky, Potato Head, Hamm, Rex, Buzz and Grace were walking on the roof and Potato Head grabbed Slinky's back end and said "Geronimo"

Then it was Hamm's turn and Rex said "you think with all my video gaming experience, I'd be feeling more prepared" and he fell down and grabbed Slinky's back end

"The idea is to let go" Slinky said

Buzz said when he put his helmet on and picked up Grace "we'll be back before Andy gets home"

"Don't talk to any toys you don't know" Mrs. Potato Head said

"To Al's Toy Barn and beyond" Buzz said then he grabbed Slinky's back end and jumped down, so did Slinky and they were on their way to rescue Woody

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