Chapter 3

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A while later, everyone was asleep except Woody cause he just woke up from a nightmare

Then a while later, Woody screamed "YARD SALE, GUYS WAKE UP, WAKE UP, THERE'S A YARD SALE OUTSIDE"

"Yard sale?" Buzz said when he and Grace woke up

"Sargent, emergency call" Woody said

"Sir yes sir" Sargent said "red alert,

Then all the toys lined up, while Buzz checked every toy, Rex said "I hate yard sale"

Then he heard footsteps and Rex shouted "AHH, SOMEONE'S COMING"

Then they all ran to their hiding place and Grace ran under the bed

"Okay, let's see what's here" Andy's mom said when she came in with a box

Then she took Wheezy a penguin squeak toy, but he couldn't squeak anymore

"Bye Woody" he said to Woody and they left

"Wheezy!" Woody said "think, think, think, think, think, oh"

He tried to blow a whistle with his left hand but it didn't so he did his right hand and when he whistled, Buster came in and Woody said "

Then Woody fell off the shelf and landed on Buster's back and he said "okay, boy to the yard sale"

"What's going on?" Hamm said when the toy came out of their hiding spot

"He's nuts" Potato Head said

"Don't do it Woody" Rex said "we love you"

Then they all went to the window and Buzz grabbed Lenny

"Piggy bank" Hamm said "Piggy bank, coming through"

"Is he out there?" Rex asked

"Do you see him?" Bo said

"There he is" Buzz replied when he saw Woody with Buster

Then when Woody got into the box, Rex said "ahh, he's getting into the box"

"He sold himself for 25 cents" Hamm said

"Oh Woody, your more than that" Slinky said

"Hold on, hold on he's gotten something" Buzz said and he saw Woody grabbed Wheezy" it's Wheezy!"

"Wheezy?" Everyone said

"Hey, it's not a suicide, it's a rescue" Rex said

Then as Woody, Wheezy and Buster were about to get back to Andy's room, but then Wheezy was about to slip, Woody tried to make him un slip, Buster jumped and it made Woody fell off and he saw Buster came in the house

Then Woody saw a little girl coming, he freeze and the little girl said when she picked him up "mommy, mommy, look at this, mommy it's a cowboy dolly"

"Hey that's not her toy" Rex said

"What's she doing?" Grace said

"What's that gal thinks she's doing?" Slinky said

Then the girl's mother threw Woody away and his voice box said "there's a snake in my boot!" and it made a man excited and then Buster barked and Andy's mom said "Buster, quiet down"

Then she came up with the man and said "excuse me, can I help you?"

"Yeah" Slinlky said "you can help take his paws off my pal"

Then she noticed that Woody was in the man's arms so she took Woody and it made the man upset and mad

"Now just walk away" Buzz said, but the man went to Andy's mom "the other way"

"I'll give you 50 bucks for him" the man said

"50 bucks ain't bad" Potato Head said

"It's not for sale" Andy's mom said when she put Woody in a lock box

"He's safe" Buzz said

"Way to go Andy's mom" Hamm said

"That was close" Potato Head said

"Alright" Slink said "she showed him"

"Yeah go home fancy car" Potato Head

"Hold on" Buzz said looking through Lenny

"What's up?" Hamm said

"What is it Buzz?" Rex asked

Then Buzz saw the man trying to open the money box

"What's happeming down there?" Potato Head asked

"What's he doing?" Slinky asked

"I can't watch" Rex said "can someone cover my eyes?"

"No he's stealing Woody" Buzz said

"What?" Rex said while eveyone was worried

"Where's he going?" Slinky said as the man put Woody in his bag and walked away to his car

"Somebody do something" Rex said and Buzz jumped out of the window and ran to the car that was drivivng away, as he got to the back of the car, he opened the trunk and then there was bump and it made Buzz fall out of the car and some feathers came out

Everyone was shocked and Grace asked "why would someone steal Woody?" and she cried and Bo tried to calm her down

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