Chapter 8

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When the toys was walking away, Grace stopped saw Woody walking away and looking at the T.V

Grace was very sad that she would never see Woody again. But then Buzz noticed Grace, he sighed, went to her, he picked her up and said "come on sweetie" and he walked away while carrying her

But then a while later, Woody open the air vent and said "BUZZ, GRACE"

"Yes?" Buzz and Grace said when Buzz turned

"Yes?" Buzz #2 said

"I'm coming with you" Woody said "wait, wait, wait, wait, I'll be back just a second"

The toys were excited and so was Grace and Buzz said "wait a go cowboy"

But then a while later, Woody starting yelling through the air vent, which the Prospector doll just put the screw back on, stopping it from being opened "Help! Buzz! Grace! Guys!"

The Prospector said "It's too late, Woody! That silly Buzz Lightweight and that little brat can't help you"

"His name is Buzz Lightyear!" Woody said while trying to open the air vent "and don't you dare call Grace a brat"

"Whatever" The Prospector "I've always hated those upstart space toys and children" and he went into his box, closes the lid to his box

"It's stuck" Woody said "what do we do?"

"Can I use my head?" Rex asked

Then they heard footsteps, Woody said "It's Al" and everyone runs off so Al won't see them while him, and his new friends went to their places

When Al put Woody and the others his green suitcase, and went away, Buzz said "quick, to the elevator" and as they ran to the elevator, Buzz said "hurry I can hear it coming",

The toys all come to a halt as the Elevator arrives up the shaft. A Zurg toy came up and said "so we meet again Buzz Lightyear. For the Last Time"

"It's ZURG" Buzz #2 and Rex shocked

Zurg draws out his Blaster, which is really a Nerf Ball Gun

"Watch out. He's got an Ion Blaster" Rex said

When Zurg blasted the gun, Buzz #2 flipped over Zurg and then Buzz said when he put Grace on his back "quick, get on" and he jumped down and so did the others,

"The emergency hatch, come on" Buzz said

While Buzz #2 took care of Zurg, Buzz opened the hatch and saw Al, so Grace grabbed Hamm while he grabbed Potato Head, while he grabbed Buzz while he grabbed Slinky's back end while Slinky opens the suitcasr and Woody grabbed Slinky, but then The Prospector made Woody let go and they went back to the suitcase as Al walked ot of the elevator and the toys and Grace fell down

As the door was about to close, Potato Head took his hat and threw it to the door so it will stay open, as they got outside, Potato Head grabbed his hat, Al drove away

"How are we gonna get him now?" Rex asked

Potato Head spotted the Pizza Planet ruck and said "Pizza anyone?"

As everyone went to the Pizza Planet truck Buzz bumped to Buzz #2 and Buzz said "Buzz, are you coming?"

"No, I have a lot of catching up to do with my dad" Buzz #2 said and he threw the ball to Zurg

"Good work son, that's my boy, go along Buzzy" Zurg said

"Oh you're a great dad, yippee" Buzz #2 said

"Farewell" Buzz said and then he went up the truck

"Does anyone know how to drive?" Rex asked as the toys and Grace climb aboard

Buzz said "Slink take the pedals, Rex you navigate, Hamm, Potato and Grace, operate the levers and knobs"

Then three Alien toys were hanging on the top mirror and said "ooooh! Strangers! From the outside!"

Buzz and Grace said "oh, no!"

Rex said "he's at a Red Light. We can catch him"

Buzz said "natural power Slink!"

Slinky hits the Gas Peddle, but the car doesn't start

Rex said when he saw it turn green, allowing Al to continue driving off "Ah! They've turned green, hurry"

"Why won't it go?" Buzz asked

"Use the wand of power" the alien toys replied

Mr. Potato Head pulls the handle, starting up the car and starting chasing Al

But when Buzz turned left, the alien toys was about to fly off the window but Potato Head grabbed the rope and hold on to it while Grace holds on Potato Head

"Oh I seriously doubt he's getting this kind of mileage" Hamm said while he was reading the car manual

Then Rex told Buzz to go right, when he turned right, the alien toys flew back to the truck, the fell to the seat and Potato Head's ear came off

"You're alright kid?" Potato Head asked Grace

"Yeah" Grace said while he helps Grace up

"You have saved our lives" the alien toys said and handed him his ear "we are eternally grateful"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever" he said when he put his ear back and left

"Potato Head, come on" Grace said she followed him

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