Chapter 10

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They finally made it back to Andy's house and Andy went upstairs to his room, as he got up to check on Woody, he said "hey Woody, Woody?"

Then he turned around and saw the toys on his bed with Etch put "Welcome Home Andy"

"Oh wow new toys" Andy said when he took Woody, Jessie and Bullseye "cool, thanks mom" and he started to play with them

The next day Andy fixed Woody's arm

Andy's mom said to Andy "Andy come on hun time to go, hey, you fixed Woody"

Andy said "yeah, glad I didn't take him to Cowboy Camp. His whole arm might've come off"

"Well what do you know?" Woody said to himself

"YEE-HAH" Jessie said "oh Bullseye, we're part of a family again"

"Uh, ma - ma'am? I, uh, um, well, I just wanted to say you're a bright young woman with a beautiful yarn full of hair. A hair full of yarn" Buzz said to Jessie all nervous "It's ah... um... I must go"

Then Jessie bring him back and said "well aren't you just the sweetest space toy I have ever met"

Then Buster barked and scratching the door and Slinky said "what's that, bark bark"

Buster barked again and Slinky said "uh this fellow says he needs to go out back for a little private time"

"That critter needs help" Jessie said and runs to the night stand, using the car as a skateboard and went to the hot wheels lop, jumped to the door knob, opened the door and Buster ran out and then Buzz stand there so shock as his wings pop out

Hamm was playing a Buzz Lightyear video game and he said to Rex "hey Rex, I could use a hand over here buddy"

"I don't need to play" Rex said "I've lived it"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, oh nuts" Hamm said when flip the channel and went to the Al's Toy Barn commercial

"Welcome to Al's Toy Barn ,we got the lowest prices in town" Al said looking said on TV "everything for a buck-buck-buck" and then he cried

"Well, I guess crime doesn't pay" Hamm said

"Oh Andy did a great job" Woody showed his arm to Bo "nice and strong"

"I like it" Bo said "makes you look tough"

Woody noticed Grace coming, so he said while picking her up "haha, come here you"

Grace laughs as he spin her around and put her on his hip

Meanwhile Potato Head was giving his wife kisses and then the three toya lien said once again "you have saved our lives, we are eternally grateful"

"You saved their lives?" Mrs. Potato Head said "oh my hero and they're so adorable, let's adopt them"

"Daddy" the three toy aliens said when they gave Potato Head a hug and he said "oh no"

Then Wheezy hop over to the desk where Woody, Grace and Bo were

"Wheezy, you're fixed" Woody said

"Oh yeah" Wheezy said "Mr. Shark looked in the toy box and found me an extra squeaker"

"And how do you feel?" Woody asked

"Oh I feel swell, in fact I think I feel a song coming on" Wheezy replied and he reached his fin out to catch mike's mic and sang "You Gotta A Friend In Me"

As everyone was dancing to it, Woody heard laughing outside and went to the window with Grace in his arms, they saw Molly walking to Andy's mom while Andy held her hand

Buzz came up to them and said to Woody "you still worried?"

"About Andy?" Woody replied "Nah, it will be fun while it lasts"

"I'm proud of you, cowboy" Buzz said

"Besides, when it all ends I'll have old Buzz Lightyear and Grace to keep me company" Woody said "for infinity and beyond" and Grace gave him a hug and he hug her back

Then they went back to watch Wheezy sing, Woody had his arm around Bo while he held Grace and Jessie put her arm on Buzz's shoulder while listening to Wheezy singing

When he finished, the toys applauded and then the wind came and the light appeared on the desk and the toys except Jessie and Bullseye realized that Grace had to go back

Grace sighed and Woody put her down and when she went to the light, Jessie said "where is she going?"

"She's going back to the orphanage" Buzz replied

"Why don't we ask her if she could live with us" Jessie said

"No she can't" Woody said to Jessie "she needs to go back before everyone in the orphanage realized that she's missing"

Grace turned around, seeing everyone and then she ran to Woody, hugging him and cried and said "I'll miss you"

"Me too" Woody said and he gave her a kiss on the forehead and Buzz said "we'll all miss you"

Grace looked at Jessie and Bullseye and said "It was nice meeting you guys"

"Us too" Jessie said and Bullseye licks Grace

Then as she went to the light and it disappeared and Woody said "Be safe"

As Grace went back to her bedroom, the light disappeared, she went to her bed and then Martha came in and said "dinner's ready sweetie"

Grace jumped out her bed and took Martha's hand and they left to have dinner


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