Chapter 5

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They were walking down the street, but quietly so nobody can see or hear them

Hamm's cork has popped out and there is change all over the sidewalk

Hamm said when he turned "I'll right, nobody look till I get my cork back in"

Buzz said "Good work, guys, two blocks down and only nineteen more to go"

Mr. Potato Head said "What?"

Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog and Grace said "nineteen?

"Are we gonna do this all night?" Mr. Potato Head said "my parts are killing me"

"Come on, fellas" Buzz said "did Woody give up when Sid had me strapped to a rocket?

They said "No"

"No" Buzz said "and did he give up when you threw him out of the back of that moving van?"

Mr. Potato Head said "oh, you had to bring *that* up!"

"No, he didn't! We have a friend in need" Buzz said "and we will not rest until he's safe in Andy's room! Now, let's move out!"

"Hey Buzz, can we slow down" Hamm said "may I remind you some of us are carrying over $6 in change"

"Losing health units" Rex said "must rest"

"Is everyone unaccounted 5?" Buzz asked

"Not quite everyone" Grace replied

"Who's behind?" Buzz asked

"Mine" Slinky said when his back end came and sat down

"Hey guys" Hamm asked "why did the toys cross the road?"

"Not now" Buzz said

"Oh I love riddles, why?" Rex said

"To get the chicken" Hamm said "on the other side"

Then they saw Al's Toy Barn and they were overjoyed and then the car hit the can and it went to them and it made them worried

Rex said when he was about to leave "oh well, we tried

Buzz said Holds onto Rex's tail "we'll have to cross"

"WHAT?" Everyone except Buzz said

Mr. Potato Head said "you're not turning me into a mashed potato"

"I may not be a smart dog" Slinky said "but I know what roadkill is"

"There has to be a safer way" Buzz said

They went across the street with cones with them inside, they drop and go again and again and then they finally made it

"Oh that went well" Potato Head said when everyone got out of the cone and Grace turned around and saw a huge truck blocking the cars and saw a pole fell down

"Good job troops" Buzz said "we're that much closer to Woody" and they went to Al's Toy Barn

They are on the Cow's shopping cart to the store but then the sign said "Sorry, We're Closed"

"Oh no" Slinky said "It's closed"

"We're not preschool toys Slinky" Potato Head said "we can read"

Then they saw a man coming in the store and when the door closed, Buzz said "alright, let's go"

As the toys runs to the door, Grace said "But the sign says it's closed"

Then they started jumping to make the door open, and Buzz said "All together, NOW", they jumped and the door opened and they went in, and they looked around

"Woah nelly" Slinky said

"How are we gonna find Woody in this place?" Grace asked

"Look for Al" Buzz replied "we find Al, we find Woody, move out" and then they called Woody and they went split up, Grace was with Buzz and as they look everywhere, they noticed a Buzz Lightyear section and Buzz was so amazed by it, then he saw a sign said "New Utility Belt", he said "I can use one of those"

Grace was on his back while he was climbing and saw a Buzz Lightyear. Buzz looked at it while Grace was laying against the wall

"Am I really that fat?" he said to himself, then he saw the belt, when he was about to take the belt, Buzz #2 grabbed Buzz's hand and Buzz said "OW, what are you doing?"

"You're directed violation of code 64o more point 5" Buzz #2 said "stating all Space Rangers are to be hyper sleep until awakened by authorized personnel"

"Oh no" Buzz said to himself

Buzz #2 put him against the glass and said "your breaking ranks Ranger"

Then Buzz #2 said to his Mission Log "Buzz Lightyear to Star Command. I have an AWOL Space Ranger"

"Tell me I wasn't this deluded?" Buzz said

"No back talk!" Buzz #2 said "I have a laser, and I will use it"

"You mean a laser it's a lightbulb?" Buzz said when he turns on Buzz #2's button and made lightbulb blinks, then Buzz #2 jumps up onto a Small Cardboard Moon above

"Has your mind been melted?" Buzz #2 said "you could have killed me, Space Ranger! Or should I say, traitor?"

"We don't have time for this" Buzz said when he took Grace's hand and they walked away

Buzz #2 said holding his "laser" directly at Buzz as he and Grace walks away "Halt! I order you to halt"

They jumped down and then Buzz #2 jumped on Buzz and starting fighting

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